Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I thought it might fit better - but you guys can decide if I messed it up ?

I thought it might fit better - but you guys can decide if I messed it up ?

Originally shared by ted kelly

I took the liberty of fiddling around a bit with this. I think it fits a little better maybe.


  1. It stretched it a bit, but I'm fine with it. It shows more of the swirly effect.

  2. I felt really funny with the stretching part.

  3. Hahaha, as in "don't go messin' with my photos"? I really don't mind for this. Now if you intended it for some publication... :-D

  4. Well then I'd have put my watermark on it first.
    Feel free to mess around with anything I ever post - or in my photos for that matter. Shoot, I'd be tickled pink if somebody stole any of my pix. It would make me think they were worth stealing, you know ?
