Monday, October 31, 2016


This is probably pretty close to the original. I left it as a png file so the jpg compression wouldn't degrade it. Hope it helps and good luck with your project.


I fiddled around a little with your picture. Is this (partly) what you had in mind. I used the clone tool and the blur tool on it. It took me about five minutes to get to this point. I made a recording if you need to see what I did.
You could probably do a little better since it's your project. I just wanted to sort of show one possible solution and didn't try to be too precise.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Once again I shared this to "public" instead of the group. Luckily - one of my followers plussed it twice and I noticed that I'd forgot to post it here.

Once again I shared this to "public" instead of the group. Luckily - one of my followers plussed it twice and I noticed that I'd forgot to post it here.
(I just figured nobody in the WPP liked it) LOL

Originally shared by ted kelly

WPP2016 - Week 43 - Colors

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell




Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I know it's a cliche' but it was mostly fun to do.

I know it's a cliche' but it was mostly fun to do.

Originally shared by ted kelly

WPP2016 - Week 43 - Colors

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


WPP2016 - Week 43 - Colors

WPP2016 - Week 43 - Colors

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


Dear Trump Supporters:

Dear Trump Supporters:
The Liberals are on the ropes. They're desperate and despicable and they're coming to tear down all that's important to us. They want our guns and our God given rights and they're even trying to woo away our womenfolk. It's time to take a stand.

So ~ TODAY ~ right now even:
Go on and find yourself a female type NRA member or better yet one of them there LADY COPS and just reach out to her. Grab her by her ladybits and mansplain to her just how important this election is. Just make sure that what ever woman you grab is packing heat so you know that she believes in 2nd amendment solutions.

Do it today, She'll probably plant a big old kiss right on you. Don't be surprised if she doesn't even ask you first. Just do it. Show us for sure that you're a real red blooded Make America Great kind of guy.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Seeing this reminded me of two things. Remember to count your blessings.

Seeing this reminded me of two things. Remember to count your blessings.
I read an article some time ago about a professional photographer who had a blind person do most of their post processing work. The blind person didn't look at the images of course but used some sort of text~to~speech tool to listen to the histogram info and voice controls on the sliders. Their workflow was faster and more consistent than the sighted staffers. How cool is that ?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

I saw this car the other day and just for a moment - in my mind, I was back in high school, and back home in Florida and back at the beach. I'd wash and wax my powder blue Corvair and have the Craig Powerplay 8-track cranking out some Steve Miller. Nobody ever called me "The Gangster of Love" and I never won any street races but a guy always remembers his first... #amiright #ralphnadersucks #classof74

I saw this car the other day and just for a moment - in my mind, I was back in high school, and back home in Florida and back at the beach. I'd wash and wax my powder blue Corvair and have the Craig Powerplay 8-track cranking out some Steve Miller. Nobody ever called me "The Gangster of Love" and I never won any street races but a guy always remembers his first... #amiright   #ralphnadersucks   #classof74  

PS - I got the background from Pixabay. It's a great place to get stock photos and they're free, no strings attached. Also my car was a 65 Greenbriar and had a CB antenna on the roof, but looked a lot like this.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Processed with "face filter" and GIMP

Processed with "face filter" and GIMP
More on the "tent" graves at -

Originally shared by ted kelly

Saylor Cemetery, located in Sparta, TN has a nice assortment of "tent" graves. (see link below) It also has this interesting marker (which I took the liberty of moving for mostly artistic reasons) in an area of unmarked graves.

Saylor Cemetery, located in Sparta, TN has a nice assortment of "tent" graves. (see link below) It also has this interesting marker (which I took the liberty of moving for mostly artistic reasons) in an area of unmarked graves.

Saylor Cemetery, located in Sparta, TN has a nice assortment of "tent" graves. (see link below) It also has this interesting marker (which I took the liberty of moving for mostly artistic reasons) in an area of unmarked graves.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Here's a panorama I did today. I shot it hand held and tried to rotate it around the focal plane instead of using a tripod and pivoting around the mounting point. I included all the individual shots in case anyone wants to play with them.

Here's a panorama I did today. I shot it hand held and tried to rotate it around the focal plane instead of using a tripod and pivoting around the mounting point. I included all the individual shots in case anyone wants to play with them.
I used manual focus and exposure because the sky had so much range. I used Microsoft ICE to stitch them and then tuned up the panno with FastStone Viewer.

Oops - I posted this to public instead of in here. Damn you CNN...

Oops - I posted this to public instead of in here. Damn you CNN...

Originally shared by ted kelly

I grew up in south Florida where the only things that seem to change colors with the seasons were the cars license tags. And we didn't have "pumpkin spiced" every darned thing way back when either.

WPP2016 - Week 42 - Autumn or Spring

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


The only season I'll be glad to see the end of is the election season.

The only season I'll be glad to see the end of is the election season.

Originally shared by ted kelly

I grew up in south Florida where the only things that seem to change colors with the seasons were the cars license tags. And we didn't have "pumpkin spiced" every darned thing way back when either.

WPP2016 - Week 42 - Autumn or Spring

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


I grew up in south Florida where the only things that seem to change colors with the seasons were the cars license tags. And we didn't have "pumpkin spiced" every darned thing way back when either.

I grew up in south Florida where the only things that seem to change colors with the seasons were the cars license tags. And we didn't have "pumpkin spiced" every darned thing way back when either.

WPP2016 - Week 42 - Autumn or Spring

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


Wednesday, October 19, 2016



Elizabeth Childs asked me if I had any thoughts about cameras with fast shutter speeds. She wants to take some pictures of her cats and a kitten. Now I'd say the cats aren't much of a problem. They're always either sleeping or taking a nap to get ready for sleeping so...

Elizabeth Childs asked me if I had any thoughts about cameras with fast shutter speeds. She wants to take some pictures of her cats and a kitten. Now I'd say the cats aren't much of a problem. They're always either sleeping or taking a nap to get ready for sleeping so...

Kittens, on the other hand can be challenging. A fast lens is good but even more so, a fast auto-focus is needed. Perhaps most important is having that camera handy to catch the little imps whenever and wherever they hit max-cuteness.

So with that in mind and now idea what price range she was considering, I took a quick peek at what's out there. I found this little gem via a Cnet article listed for (much) lower than $100.

It has a bigger than average sensor - and a pretty fast lens. It's small enough to fit in a pocket. It has lots of "scene" modes and shoots PASM (more control) as well as RAW. It will take an SD card and has some built in memory too. From personal experience, I can attest to how that one feature can save the day sometimes. It even has built in wi-fi, though only for transfer, not control. I'd think about getting one myself if it only had a viewfinder.

I would love to hear from anyone who has one, or even an opinion of it. A better/different suggestion would be cool too (hint hint). I provided a link from my preferred "review" site instead of the Cnet link. I like to use the same review source whenever I can when looking at different products. This one seems fair and doesn't hold back on negative comments. I've used them for a few years (and a few cameras) now.

So anyway~ if you made it this far ~ thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions. Let's get Elizabeth fixed up ASAP. We wouldn't want the internet to run out of cat pictures.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

#rustysunday can be a real "harrowing' experience, if you ask me. I hope this post might cause a "spike' in interest for RustySunday

#rustysunday  can be a real "harrowing' experience, if you ask me. I hope this post might cause a "spike' in interest for RustySunday 
Thanks to the
and Gary Posner

You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to.

You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to.
Would this cause you to reconsider your support ?

I've been following this case for years. Aside from the Snopes article
(who I generally consider to be truthful and unbiased)
I absolutely believe her claims to be true. It happened near my home town and working class people that I trusted claimed that they had good reason to believe her.
(sent as a PM so you can choose to speak freely if you want to)

If you are voting against The Donald then you probably think that the "deplorables" are, well - deplorable.

If you are voting against The Donald then you probably think that the "deplorables" are, well - deplorable.
I'm not going to try to convince you that you (and sometimes I) are wrong about that. You really should read this though. It's long but surprisingly good and I would say, very important.
BTW - if you keep reading you might find out something surprising about your own taste in superheros and find some common ground with the Trump supporters. And in times like these, common ground is a very good thing.

"You can't handle the truth" -Col. Nathan R Jessup

"You can't handle the truth" -Col. Nathan R Jessup
Or, maybe you can ?

This place used to be pretty busy. It's sort of quiet these days.
So if you're ready to get out of the echo chamber - join up now and get (and give) some honest commenting and criticism. Because, when all is said and done, when you push that post button, one truth becomes obvious:
“Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies.”
— Diane Arbus

I shot this for a weekly project community. The theme was "Shadows" and with Halloween coming up I wanted the "dead" king to be missing his shadow. I posted it with the title Checkmate to emphasize the obvious.

I shot this for a weekly project community. The theme was "Shadows" and with Halloween coming up I wanted the "dead" king to be missing his shadow. I posted it with the title Checkmate to emphasize the obvious.

I shot this once with the king and again without him (and his shadow) then used the GIMP to paste him onto the image without the shadow. I blurred around the base of the king just a little (5px wide or so) and converted to b&w.

Any suggestions ?
Lighting, composition, lens, dof etc.

Friday, October 14, 2016

I took some tasty shadow shots this week but mostly by accident. I wanted one in particular but the sun just wouldn't cooperate. So with back ups in the can I decided to make my own darned shadows.

I took some tasty shadow shots this week but mostly by accident. I wanted one in particular but the sun just wouldn't cooperate. So with back ups in the can I decided to make my own darned shadows.
I started with the idea of a shadow that wasn't there. I grabbed a pad and sketched out a couple of different scenes. I've shot this chess set a few times before without much luck but this time I planned it out a little better.

I moved the lights and camera a few times and took a few dozen test shots from different heights and with different lenses and apertures and such. The light, tripod and chess set all came from Goodwill and each cost five bucks. The drop cloth was another three from the discount bin at Lowes.

The light bulb is a 150w daylight temp. also from Lowes. The IR Remote came via Ebay as did the spare battery for about eight bucks each. Of course my battery died after about six shots. Don't they always ?
Note the viewfinder light blocker thingie. This was the first time I ever used it. My last two shots were an experiment to see if it made a difference. I had switched back into auto mode and while either shot was usable I could see a difference. The extra light bouncing around made the picture come out darker and with a reddish hue.

Anywho- I haven't looked at many of this weeks pictures. I'll be doing that shortly. I can hardly wait to see what you guys did.

The Shadow Knows...

The Shadow Knows...

Originally shared by ted kelly

WPP2016 - Week 41 - Shadows

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell



WPP2016 - Week 41 - Shadows

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


Saturday, October 8, 2016

I fired up SketchGuru this morning and played around for a while. The original shot was a good choice I think. It was way too long, in fading light and hand held. It almost had to get better with a little push.

I fired up SketchGuru this morning and played around for a while. The original shot was a good choice I think. It was way too long, in fading light and hand held. It almost had to get better with a little push.

I hear that train a coming...

I hear that train a coming...

Originally shared by ted kelly

WPP2016 - Week 40 - Sky or Clouds
I wanted to head south for some hurricane pictures but I just couldn't seem to get away.
+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


WPP2016 - Week 40 - Sky or Clouds

WPP2016 - Week 40 - Sky or Clouds
I wanted to head south for some hurricane pictures but I just couldn't seem to get away.
+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron Sheldrick , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Finding a pot of gold would be nice too I guess. #grateartwednesday

Finding a pot of gold would be nice too I guess. #grateartwednesday  
Thanks to David Washington and Gary Posner and all the peeps who contribute to Grate Art Wednesday



Monday, October 3, 2016

I've been taking this class because I always skip over the basics and then regret it later. I get frustrated with most of the tutorials on YouTube and I look over the GIMP ones and think - Oh, I know that already and really I maybe don't. Somehow though, the couple of bucks these things cost gives me the motivation to actually do the assignments and I would recommend it to anyone who is new without any reservations.

I've been taking this class because I always skip over the basics and then regret it later. I get frustrated with most of the tutorials on YouTube and I look over the GIMP ones and think - Oh, I know that already and really I maybe don't. Somehow though, the couple of bucks these things cost gives me the motivation to actually do the assignments and I would recommend it to anyone who is new without any reservations.

Originally shared by ted kelly

Originally shared by ted kelly

I've been taking this class because I always skip over the basics and then regret it later. I get frustrated with most of the tutorials on YouTube and I look over the GIMP ones and think - Oh, I know that already and really I maybe don't. Somehow though, the couple of bucks these things cost gives me the motivation to actually do the assignments and I would recommend it to anyone who is new without any reservations.

I'm taking a GIMP for Beginners class via I've been pretending to know what I have been doing for a while and even going through the tutorials and manual. I've never been good at "the basics" of anything though so I think maybe going back to square one is a good idea.

I'm taking a GIMP for Beginners class via I've been pretending to know what I have been doing for a while and even going through the tutorials and manual. I've never been good at "the basics" of anything though so I think maybe going back to square one is a good idea.
This is an assignment that introduced among other things layers, selection tools and layer masks. I think it makes for a pretty good #circleshapesmonday  offering.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

I never noticed before that Honey Ryder was laft handed. (see knife). I thought it was a perfect touch that Max Madrasi made her a left handed camera though.

I never noticed before that Honey Ryder was laft handed. (see knife). I thought it was a perfect touch that Max Madrasi made her a left handed camera though.

Originally shared by Max Bolan

Different Strokes #jamesbond #dslr #photography :-D