Thursday, November 28, 2013

One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions.

One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions.

Do the millennials have any silly Thanksgiving songs like this?

Do the millennials have any silly Thanksgiving songs like this?
I'll be posting a link to the movie soon too.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Originally shared by ted kelly

To mark the occasion, I'd like us to remember the first Thanksgiving. More than 50 years before those newcomers up in Plymouth, Capt. René Goulaine de Laudonnière gave thanks along with the Timucua Indians. On June 30, 1564 he wrote "On this celebration, we sang a psalm of Thanksgiving unto God, beseeching Him that it would please His Grace to continue His accustomed goodness toward us.” 
PHOTO: State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

To mark the occasion, I'd like us to remember the first Thanksgiving. More than 50 years before those newcomers up in Plymouth, Capt. René Goulaine de Laudonnière gave thanks along with the Timucua Indians. On June 30, 1564 he wrote "On this celebration, we sang a psalm of Thanksgiving unto God, beseeching Him that it would please His Grace to continue His accustomed goodness toward us.”

To mark the occasion, I'd like us to remember the first Thanksgiving. More than 50 years before those newcomers up in Plymouth, Capt. René Goulaine de Laudonnière gave thanks along with the Timucua Indians. On June 30, 1564 he wrote "On this celebration, we sang a psalm of Thanksgiving unto God, beseeching Him that it would please His Grace to continue His accustomed goodness toward us.” 
PHOTO: State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy birthday Lucia Peregrim! I hope it's sublime.

I can just imagine how this will "enhance" a few web sites and so called social networks. One particular viral video involving a cup comes to mind.

I can just imagine how this will "enhance" a few web sites and so called social networks. One particular viral video involving a cup comes to mind.

Let's be careful out there.

Let's be careful out there.

Saved for later

Saved for later

Originally shared by Kirk Jordan

The Eyes Have It
As part of my preparation for my radio talk with Dorothy Graves of Science Cafe -- on our local NPR affiliate November 26, 2013 - about all things related to vision, I have revisited some of my poems and favorite quotes related to sight.   This is a smorgas...

Maybe we can.

Maybe we can.

Originally shared by NPR Politics

Barbara Neff of Santa Monica is one of the roughly 1 million Californians who recently got word that their health insurance coverage would be expiring soon.

The canceled plans sparked a political firestorm as people realized President Obama's promise — "If you like your plan, you can keep it" — didn't apply to everyone.

But Neff, a 46-year-old self-employed writer, isn't outraged. She's relieved. Even though she makes too much money to receive a subsidy to buy insurance under the Affordable Care Act, the policy cancellation was good news for her.

She's not the only one. Other Californians are also finding that having their plans canceled allows them to sign up for better coverage.

Neff says she's been stuck in a bad plan because treatment for a back problem years ago red-flagged her with a pre-existing condition.

"The deductible has ranged anywhere from $3,000 to as high as $5,000, which means I have to spend that much each year before the insurance even kicks in," she says. "I was rejected [from a more affordable policy] because I'd had a bout of sciatica five years previously that has never returned."

On Jan. 1, the federal health law prohibits insurers from denying coverage or charging more for such pre-existing problems. That's opened an array of options for Neff, who has enrolled in a new plan through California's state-run insurance marketplace, Covered California. On Thursday, the state health exchange board voted unanimously that it would not extend canceled policies, rejecting the president's proposed fix for the problem.

Neff's new policy has a $2,000 deductible and her premium will go up by $24 a month. Under the federal law, she'll no longer have to pay for preventive care, and she figures that alone will more than make up for the additional premium costs.

"I've been paying for my mammograms out of pocket, and that's $400 to $450 per year," Neff says. "That type of care is 100 percent covered under this new policy."

Huge deductibles have been the norm for Tim Wilsbach, a 40-year-old TV editor who lives in Culver City with his family. Like Neff, Wilsbach also makes too much to qualify for federal subsidies, so when he received his cancellation notice a few weeks ago, he was worried his premium would go up.

Wilsbach has two plans for his family. The one being cancelled is a bare-bones policy with an $11,000 deductible that he has for himself and his 4-year-old son.

"It was not a great policy," he says, "which is essentially why we had a second plan for my wife, which we paid a little more for."

Wilsbach and his wife are planning to have a second baby, so they bought a policy for her with better coverage and a $5,000 deductible.

After getting the cancellation notice, Wilsbach checked out plans on the Covered California website and he was pleasantly surprised. He found a plan for the whole family that offers broader coverage, a much lower $4,000 deductible and a more affordable monthly premium.

"Our premium went down not quite 100 bucks, and just looking through what the plan covers versus what used to be covered. Yeah, I'm quite happy about it," Wilsbach says.

Jane Bradford, 52, is a stay-at-home mom in Pasadena. She's losing the HMO insurance she has for herself and her three kids, who are 16, 21 and 23. Her policy offers low copays for doctor visits and a relatively low $3,000 family deductible, but she'll shed no tears to see it go. Bradford says that's because she's found several plans that will cost hundreds less in monthly premiums — even though her husband's income is too high for the family to qualify for a federal subsidy.

"Saving possibly $400 or more a month is awesome, so I'm not sad at all," Bradford says.

None of this comes as a surprise to Micah Weinberg, a senior researcher at the Bay Area Council Economic Institute in San Francisco. "A lot of the anecdotes about people having policies cancelled and gigantic increases are real — but not representative of what's happening more broadly in the marketplace," he says.

Weinberg predicts many people who are losing their policies will come out ahead — even if their premiums go up — because of lower deductibles, full coverage of preventive care and no penalties for pre-existing conditions. What's more, he says, health insurance will almost certainly be cheaper for those who qualify for subsidies. In California, that's an estimated 2.5 million people.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Glad to see and hear things are going well.
Florida Cracker meets reality.

I believe this should be required reading for every citizen of the USofA. Especially if you are a conservative, more so if you are a liberal and absolutely without question if you a a Libertarian.

I believe this should be required reading for every citizen of the USofA. Especially if you are a conservative, more so if you are a liberal and absolutely without question if you a a Libertarian. 
Do not attempt to discuss politics with me if you haven't read every word of this blog post. In fact you should refrain from discussing politics with anybody if you haven't read this.
It's a long "read" so get comfortable...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Birthday, Joyce Donahue!

Happy Birthday, Joyce Donahue!
Sorry I don't plus more of the things... You brighten my stream and find ways to get me to actually think. Thanks bunches and have a fabulous birthday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Wow. I've never dropped anyone from my spiritual circle to my STFU one before. Post controversial stuff and always disable comments though and see what happens.

Wow. I've never dropped anyone from my spiritual circle to my STFU one before. Post controversial stuff and always disable comments though and see what happens.
Why is it that the ones I love the most are the one who end up there. Oh yeah, it because I still want to care about my peeps and take them seriously. Sigh... Thirty years and a little more (counting bbs's) and you'd think I'd learn. (or give up)

News conference on Zimmerman arrest.

News conference on Zimmerman arrest.

No comment. No surprise either...

No comment. No surprise either...

I've never heard of vube before. Much of what I see in search results is confusing. Has anyone else here used it ? Thoughts please...

I've never heard of vube before. Much of what I see in search results is confusing. Has anyone else here used it ? Thoughts please...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Remember the Occupy Movement ? I wonder what ever happened to them.

Remember the Occupy Movement ? I wonder what ever happened to them.
FTR the OPB group is spending Thanksgiving at the Koch estate in Palm Beach.

For #spidersunday I present the reason why spiders hide in corners.

For #spidersunday I present the reason why spiders hide in corners.



Originally shared by Jane Ellen

Nothing says Christmas like a naked Santa, a sledgehammer, and a jolly Santa tongue.

#mileycyrus   #wreckingball   #ornament  #christmas #santa

My offering for #sacredsunday is for those who share or are near to my own path. It might provide some enlightenment about those who seek Him but whose paths started from a different place.

My offering for #sacredsunday is for those who share or are near to my own path. It might provide some enlightenment about those who seek Him but whose paths started from a different place.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Yay for #goaturday !

Yay for #goaturday !

Originally shared by Chris McPhie

"Form an orderly queue, ladies..." 


#goaturday scores !

#goaturday scores !

Originally shared by Chris McPhie

"Form an orderly queue, ladies..." 


The perfect #goaturday wine ?

The perfect #goaturday wine ?

I'm glad I read this. I hope you read it too.

I'm glad I read this. I hope you read it too.

Originally shared by HuffPost

Alec Baldwin weighs in directly about Recent Events on The Huffington Post

For #caturday I present - Cat Heaven

For #caturday I present - Cat Heaven

On this lovely #caturday morning please remember to include your children in the weekly celebration of all things feline. You're never too young to start this journey.

On this lovely #caturday morning please remember to include your children in the weekly celebration of all things feline. You're never too young to start this journey.

Brought to you by the Crazy Cat Lady Fanciers Association


I'll bet baby squirrels have really sharp teeth. #squirrelsaturday

I'll bet baby squirrels have really sharp teeth. #squirrelsaturday

Happy #goaturday

Happy #goaturday

Friday, November 15, 2013

Painter, Tripper and Dakota wish you all a happy #caturday and to all a good night and sweet streams dreams.

Painter, Tripper and Dakota wish you all a happy #caturday   and to all a good night and sweet streams dreams.

Family two

Family two

The family

The family

I resemble this remark.

I resemble this remark.

Originally shared by Alfred Taylor

First kiss

First kiss

Sign and share please.

Sign and share please.

Originally shared by Google

U.S. government agencies claim they don't need a warrant to ask for private content—such as Gmail messages, documents, photos and YouTube videos. (Here at Google, we push back.) We urge reform to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to require a warrant for online info, just like for offline. 

If you're in the U.S., sign this petition to the White House today—we need 100,000 signatures to guarantee a response:

What with all the rage quitting over comments and all, I thought it might be time to bring this up again.

What with all the rage quitting over comments and all, I thought it might be time to bring this up again.

Umm... Not sure just what I think but I'd love to hear what you do.

Umm... Not sure just what I think but I'd love to hear what you do.

Old army buddy who also is a newly wed:

Old army buddy who also is a newly wed:
How are you and your bride making out ?
Me: like teenagers at a drive in.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Somehow, I always knew...

Somehow, I always knew...

Originally shared by Debra Roberts

Artist:  Sara Dunn

Wedding pictures...

Wedding pictures...
Doesn't my mother in law looked thrilled ?

Good stuff for free.

Good stuff for free.

Originally shared by Moan Lisa


Hi Cat Peeps:

Hi Cat Peeps:
I'll try to remove the image that goes with this post it's not the worst one on this horrible site. I've gone there and reported the cover photo and one of the posted images. I couldn't take any more of it though. Please go and do what you can if you have an account on fb.

original post- just so you don't have to see the cover photo from the fb page (it's disgusting- though there are worse ones on the page)

facebook link to site

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Somebody had to make one...

Somebody had to make one...
The new #coverphoto  is very disturbing. I just scrolled down about a hundred posts and scanned maybe two or three times that in comments and saw only one actual complaint. What's up G-peeps ? Have we lost it ? Not even one single solitary rage quit threat ? Pick it up folks...

Well, the skateboarder was in his way you see... smh

Well, the skateboarder was in his way you see... smh



Originally shared by Why So Bored?

Is this Japan's most ridiculous craze yet? Teenagers dye their hair red and green to look like ripe tomatoes
Did you guys ever come up with an android version ?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New circle buddies - I like to see something if I look art your profile. Some posts and maybe a little info. I don't have to find the posts to my liking though. I'll even circle back some obvious spammer types if they post something in the mix other than the spam. I'll follow some business pages and if you don't post primarily in English, that's okay too.

New circle buddies - I like to see something if I look art your profile. Some posts and maybe a little info. I don't have to find the posts to my liking though. I'll even circle back some obvious spammer types if they post something in the mix other than the spam. I'll follow some business pages and if you don't post primarily in English, that's okay too.
I don't generally follow kids, porn or techies. I love all those things but prefer not to see them unexpectedly.

Old circle buddies - I've changed my policy on tolerance. I don't like the feeling when I uncircle old friends. I've begin a circle called STFU (my circle of poopy heads) and it's growing fairly large. I keep the volume turned down but I can still stop by and see you from time to time.
What I'd like to ask of you is just this - if you feel the need to drop me, please leave me a note. I used to do this myself but nobody ever seemed to care so I quit. I do care though. Your presence in my virtual life is valuable to me. Thanks bunches.

A good cause. Give if you can and phrase share.

A good cause. Give if you can and phrase share.

Originally shared by Carlos Miller

PINAC needs to raise $2,000 in 24 hours to hire a very reputable Boston attorney to represent us during Thursday's hearing where Boston police will try to convince a magistrate judge that they have enough probable cause to proceed with felony indictments against us that can possibly land us in prison.

All because we tried to hold an abusive cop accountable. 

I've set up an Indiegogo campaign. I will write a blog post to explain more.



I’ve been using SketchGuru and I think you might like it. Check out from your Android phone:

I’ve been using SketchGuru and I think you might like it. Check out from your Android phone:

Sent from my Android.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Wedding pictures should be in sometime tomorrow.

Wedding pictures should be in sometime tomorrow.

Darn it, I was out of town. Occupy Palm Beach is spending Thanksgiving at the Kochs house though. I wonder if they'll be buying us pizza ?

Darn it, I was out of town. Occupy Palm Beach is spending Thanksgiving at the Kochs house though. I wonder if they'll be buying us pizza ?

In the past few weeks I've uncircled quite a few peeps. Not just the spammers and such but good peeps. I always feel funny afterwards. Like I should have said good bye or something. I used to keep a circle with the volume turned off and visit every week or so but always seemed to bounce them back and finally just gave up and went straight to the circle tool.

In the past few weeks I've uncircled quite a few peeps. Not just the spammers and such but good peeps. I always feel funny afterwards. Like I should have said good bye or something. I used to keep a circle with the volume turned off and visit every week or so but always seemed to bounce them back and finally just gave up and went straight to the circle tool.
Do you ever feel "sellers remorse" ? What does it take for you to dump someone ?
-oh and if you're reading this and I haven't interacted with you lately, it's probably just because I've been really busy. If you go look and see that I dumped you (and care) -
I'm sorry I thought you were a poopy head. PM me and maybe we could talk...

Thanks and a tip of the hat to James Clair Lewis for passing this along.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to James Clair Lewis for passing this along.

Originally shared by Beth Campbell Baker

Some time ago a friend and I had a very unpleasant discussion with a man about animal's mourning a death of a loved one. She and I both attempted to show that depresssion, in an animal, is possible. Having worked with animals all my life I fully believe they have that capacity. Here is an article that further affirms my own theories.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to James Clair Lewis for passing this along.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to James Clair Lewis for passing this along.

Originally shared by Beth Campbell Baker

Some time ago a friend and I had a very unpleasant discussion with a man about animal's mourning a death of a loved one. She and I both attempted to show that depresssion, in an animal, is possible. Having worked with animals all my life I fully believe they have that capacity. Here is an article that further affirms my own theories.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

This is what I was hoping for Jack.

This is what I was hoping for Jack.
I hope this works...

Please share this important PSA.

Please share this important PSA.
Remember : Cold season is starting and cows seek heat on car hoods. do not forget to tap on the hood to give the cow enough time to get off before you drive away!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Reposting for my googlers in different time zones.

Reposting for my googlers in different time zones. 

I'm getting married tomorrow at noon EST. I'll be posting links to an HOA and the live YouTube too. I'd be honored to see you there virtually and in plusses and comments. Thanks again for all the good wishes, plusses and reshares. Hope Jones and I really appreciate you guys.
PS Mattthew, I just tagged you in because you're so damn awesome.

Wow! This is nice.

Wow! This is nice.

Happy #caturday I would like to invite everyone to attend my wedding tomorrow via HOA or YouTube. I'll be posting links about 11:45 EST.

Happy #caturday  I would like to invite everyone to attend my wedding tomorrow via HOA or YouTube. I'll be posting links about 11:45 EST.

I'm marrying my favorite googler tomorrow. Join us live in an HOA or on YouTube. Links will be shared about 11:45 EST.

I'm marrying my favorite googler tomorrow. Join us live in an HOA or on YouTube. Links will be shared about 11:45 EST. 

Have a Crazy #caturday

Have a Crazy #caturday

Friday, November 1, 2013

Are there any Tanka writers who like love letters ?

Are there any Tanka writers who like love letters ?
Here are the WD Poetic Form Challenge guidelines:
Challenge is free. There is no entry fee.
The winner (and sometimes a runner-up or two) will be featured in a future edition of Writer’s Digest magazine as part of the Poetic Asides column.
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. (Atlanta, GA time) on November 10, 2013.

Just a test shot. The 3D camera app. Is pretty cool. What do you think. Has anybody else tried it ?

Just a test shot. The 3D camera app. Is pretty cool. What do you think. Has anybody else tried it ?
I just don't understand why they're make an android app that you can't see the pics on an android phone. Grr...