Sunday, June 14, 2015

Christina Lihani

Christina Lihani 
What's up - did somebody steal something and try to pass it off as their own ?


  1. I did a tin-eye and google image search and couldn't find that picture anywhere. I did find it here though - for what it's worth.
    Did someone else say they knew it wasn't his ?
    You don''t have to rat on anybody - I just like to be sure of things that I'm sure about.

  2. Yes, I see she is in there and I thank you for finding this ted kelly! 
    You are a great detective!
    I softened my comment  (though likely he will see my original question) based on your detective work.  This actually didn't come up just because of him, but because some folks had alerted me privately to the fact that they questioned the originality of some of the photos in our community. I can't check them all out so thank you for your help. 
     Usha's early posts used photos from other people's post without showing the originator. I told them to just keep an eye on her and she is now sharing photos the normal way AND making her own posts! 

    Thanks so much for pm'ing me!

  3. You can always count on me to have your back. I might discuss things in private, delicately shall we say - but I will always support you (and Paula and Windy) regardless of anything.
    If I ever seem not to be doing that - feel free to call me on it. I can be hard to figure out but my sense loyalty is absolute.

  4. Thank you ted kelly!  As you can tell -- this community needs you. With Paula taking a rest and me stretched too thin, you are really the backbone. 

    Since you are here (thank you!) let's talk about the next challenge(s).
    What do you think would be fun:
    > let people throw out suggestions and grab one and put it up to a vote?
    > You and I come up with some suggestions and put it up to a vote?
    > Just you and I come up with the next challenge? 

    Also -- might as well pick a photo for the week to be displayed!

  5. I'd say we start a conversation and include Windy from the start. Shall I ?

  6. Yes! Great idea and I'll be watching for the post. (And start without me if I don't show up for the rest of the evening. I have a rule to try to be off the computer by 9.)
