Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Birthday, shine allen! I sent you a friend request for a present. LOL

Sometimes music can just be fun. Lewie Wickham (RIP) packed a lot of meaning into a lot of songs but in the long run he just plain enjoyed himself and wanted to let others do so too.

Sometimes music can just be fun. Lewie Wickham (RIP) packed a lot of meaning into a lot of songs but in the long run he just plain enjoyed himself and wanted to let others do so too. 
Gunsmoke was - well if you don't know you should look it up.
As for Miss Kitty - she seemed clean and healthy and she seemed to be quite wealthy - and that's all it took to test my tosterone...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Did you comment and then remove something somewhere ? It's okay if you did but you are always welcome to take me to task on any of my links. Mi Casa es Tu Casa

So what’s the deal with the Noah movie?

So what’s the deal with the Noah movie?

Does it replace the message of the Bible story with a message created by Hollywood?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

We went to Bee Rock today. It was just too nice to stay home.

We went to Bee Rock today. It was just too nice to stay home.

I can't wait to come back next fall.

I can't wait to come back next fall.

Grilling on Valentines day.

Grilling on Valentines day.

Sorry for the multiple re-posts folks. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Sorry for the multiple re-posts folks. I'm still trying to figure it out.
I was an NSA spy & Why Snowden REALLY matters.

First a couple of quick notes:
I really was. A lowly private intercepting foreign military communications and it was a long time ago. There were very strictly enforced guidelines regarding what was and wasn't allowed. Those lines have shifted and if you don't like them you should talk to your congress critters about it. I can help you do that - ask me how in a PM or comments. I have talked to them, and continue to do so, but if you want them to hear you...

The good and bad that Snowden did will be debated for a long, long time. I'm not going to try to convince you that my opinion is right or pretend that you even care what I think about his traitorous
 actions. Yes, we should be aware of what our government does and protect our freedoms. I think we can all agree on that.

What really matters is how he did it and what he did afterwards. There is little doubt that he had to protect himself after taking a bold and what must have seemed like heroic step. History is full of people who took heroic actions and those who didn't protect themselves are lost to us. they didn't get to make history. They didn't get to make a difference. They just disappeared.

Snowden had/has the chance to make a difference now. By stepping up and facing the consequences of his actions he can cause the American government to justify what they do. We can hold them accountable and if change is needed we can make them change. But he's not doing that, is he ?

By hiding out and continuing to act the coward, he's causing many of us to rally around a coward. We (many of us) feel that treachery and cowardice are heroic. We believe that it's okay to do whatever we want and don't have to be held accountable for our decisions. Is that the America we want ? Is that what our values have become ?

How can we expect the government to be accountable if we don't expect each other to be ? It is after all - a government OF THE PEOPLE !

Sorry for the look of this one - I really need to figure out how to link my G+ and bloggers together better.


I was an NSA spy & Why Snowden REALLY matters. First a couple of quick notes: I really was. A lowly private intercepting foreign military communications and it was a long time ago. There were very strictly enforced guidelines regarding what was and wasn't a...


I was an NSA spy & Why Snowden REALLY matters. First a couple of quick notes:  I really was. A lowly private intercepting foreign military communications and it was a long time ago. There were very strictly enforced guidelines regarding what was and wasn't ...

I was an NSA spy & Why Snowden REALLY matters.

I was an NSA spy & Why Snowden REALLY matters.

First a couple of quick notes: 
I really was. A lowly private intercepting foreign military communications and it was a long time ago. There were very strictly enforced guidelines regarding what was and wasn't allowed. Those lines have shifted and if you don't like them you should talk to your congress critters about it. I can help you do that - ask me how in a PM or comments. I have talked to them, and continue to do so, but if you want them to hear you...

The good and bad that Snowden did will be debated for a long, long time. I'm not going to try to convince you that my opinion is right or pretend that you even care what I think about his traitorous actions. Yes, we should be aware of what our government does and protect our freedoms. I think we can all agree on that. 

What really matters is how he did it and what he did afterwards. There is little doubt that he had to protect himself after taking a bold and what must have seemed like heroic step. History is full of people who took heroic actions and those who didn't protect themselves are lost to us. they didn't get to make history. They didn't get to make a difference. They just disappeared.

Snowden had/has the chance to make a difference now. By stepping up and facing the consequences of his actions he can cause the American government to justify what they do. We can hold them accountable and if change is needed we can make them change. But he's not doing that, is he ?

By hiding out and continuing to act the coward, he's causing many of us to rally around a coward. We (many of us) feel that treachery and cowardice are heroic. We believe that it's okay to do whatever we want and don't have to be held accountable for our decisions. Is that the America we want ? Is that what our values have become ?

How can we expect the government to be accountable if we don't expect each other to be ? It is after all - a government OF THE PEOPLE !

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Originally published for Squirrel Appreciation Day - this little gem is a quick read (half a page or so) and pretty much interesting. At least for those of us who celebrate #squirrelsaturday

Originally published for Squirrel Appreciation Day - this little gem is a quick read (half a page or so) and pretty much interesting. At least for those of us who celebrate #squirrelsaturday

Slow down Sundance - Hold on Hollywood - Can it Cannes

Slow down Sundance - Hold on Hollywood - Can it Cannes 
This is the purrfect film festival for the felines. #caturday


What's the internet for ? Turn the massive computer power of Google loose and here's what it's really all about...

Goatstep - apparently it's a "thing". Go ahead a search for it on Youtube. If you love the #goaturday then you better clear your calendar, 'cuz it's a big ole thang lol

Goatstep - apparently it's a "thing". Go ahead a search for it on Youtube. If you love the #goaturday  then you better clear your calendar, 'cuz it's a big ole thang lol
Here's just a little taste...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

As an early adopter I was pretty sure I knew all I needed to, about all the Plus I wanted to.

As an early adopter I was pretty sure I knew all I needed to,  about all the Plus I wanted to.
I was wrong  <---- I just cant say it...

I'll just say that this is some good stuff here and you should consider taking a good look into it.

Originally shared by Denis Labelle

50 Google+ Tips by Rick Eliason 
1. Create A Killer Hovercard:
2. Sharing to Circles vs. Publicly:
3. Google+ Communities:
4. Share Your G+ Posts on Other SM :
5. Report Issues With G+ or Suggest Ideas:
6. Create A "Save For Later" Circle:
7. Add A Large Image To Your Post:
8. The Various G+ Keyboard Shortcuts :
9. Share Someone Else's G+ Post :
10. Create A Mini Blog on G+:
11. Host A Google+ Hangout:
12. Leave A Wake of Value-Add In Your Path:
13. Take Control Of Your G+ Notifications:
14. SEO Your Google+ Posts:

15. How To Find Things On G+:
16. Formatting For Beautiful, Engaging Posts:
17. How To Disable Comments & Shares:
18. Attract More Comments With Gifs & Image Posts:
19. Start A Conversation With Someone :
20. Create An Event Using G+:
21. Enable Automatic Hash-tagging:
22. Don’t Give Up At The First Hurdle:
23. The Benefits of Link Shorteners:

24. Understanding Ripples & Using Them To Your Advantage:

25. What Not To Do On G+ (Part 1):

26. Edit Posts - Did You Know You Could Do That?:

27. Choose The Best Link Thumbnail For Your Post:

28. Start Building Your Author Rank:

29. Link G+ To Your Content With Authorship Tags:

30. Curate & Streamline Circles for Awesome News Streams:

31. Use Eye-Grabbing Headlines:

32. Use Google Drive With Google+:

33. Track Circle Shares With CircleCount:

34. Be Awesome With AutoAwesome:

35. Build Your Following By Watching Hangouts:

36. Overcome Difficulties With Plus-Mentioning People:

37. Write Posts That People Are Actually Looking For:

38. Use ‘The Google+ Effect’ To Improve Your Twitter Experience:

39. Learn How To Use Images Appropriately & Legally:

40. Learn To Schedule Posts With Do Share:

41. Build A Community Around Your Passion:

42. Optimise Your Profile/Page/Community For Search:

43. Share Beyond Your Circles & GPlussers:

44. Blocking & Muting People - As Simple As It Sounds?:

45. Extend The Life Of Your Best Posts:

46. Merge Multiple Google+ Profiles Together:

More to come...

I don't post health stuff or infographics but this really caught my eye.

I don't post health stuff or infographics but this really caught my eye.

Originally shared by Daphne Weber

Wow!  What an eye opener!!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I updated my blog today. This post marks the end of the old and start of the new and better days of Theo's Thoughts. Watch this spot - the rants will begin soon.

My wife would not have insurance coverage at all as of Jan. 1, if not for Obamacare. And, here's the kicker - we now are saving $8,000 per year, for a very much better plan.

My wife would not have insurance coverage at all as of Jan. 1, if not for Obamacare. And, here's the kicker - we now are saving $8,000 per year, for a very much better plan.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hope & Lucas

Hope & Lucas

As Plato is quoted as saying, "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."

As Plato is quoted as saying, "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."

I just signed up for a FREE online course that looks interesting, unusual ?, and worth sharing. Take a peek, see what you think.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Reshared because some of my favorite circle peeps are mapaholics. #maps

Reshared because some of my favorite circle peeps are mapaholics. #maps

Originally shared by Chris Veerabadran

How the North ended up on top of the map?

Australia is no longer "Down Under" :-)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Video might need some work - Leo was excited to tell all of us Grand-parent types that he had a baby brudder !!!

Video might need some work - Leo was excited to tell all of us Grand-parent types that he had a baby brudder !!!

This is Lucas Daniel Jones and Katie Jones - 8lbs 15oz

This is Lucas Daniel Jones and Katie Jones - 8lbs 15oz 
At this point he's about 2 hours old and about half an hour later the fire alarm went off and Katie carried him down three flights of stairs.



Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tomorrow Morning - Marsha-Marsha-Marsha !!!

Tomorrow Morning - Marsha-Marsha-Marsha !!!

Set your clocks - MUST SEE TV tomorrow morning !!!

Set your clocks - MUST SEE TV tomorrow morning !!!

If you like your music a little on the edgy side but only want to hear the really good stuff - come and listen.

If you like your music a little on the edgy side but only want to hear the really good stuff - come and listen.
If you have some seriously worthy and unusual things to share and don't mind writing or at least pasting some info and enjoy actually engaging in conversations then by all means - come on in....

A great #goaturday post.

A great #goaturday  post.

Originally shared by Nate McD


Welcome to #goaturday

Welcome to #goaturday  

Originally shared by krissy lynn

Happy #goaturday!
(My first ever in goaturday) haha

A famous writer I follow tweeted that if, as the French say, orgasm is "la petit mort", then her V-Day was the St Valentines Day Massacre....

A famous writer I follow tweeted that if, as the French say, orgasm is "la petit mort", then her V-Day was the St Valentines Day Massacre....
I replied that mine was more of a serial killing. After some discussion with my wife, the lovely Hope Jones, I guess the Flaming Groovies had a better description with "Slow Death" 
How was your Valentines Day ?

There's more to do in Austin than SXSW ! Happy #baturday

There's more to do in Austin than SXSW ! Happy #baturday

Is it #squirrelsaturday already ?

Is it #squirrelsaturday  already ?

Here's one place where it's always #caturday - you could say it's #caturdayeveryday

Here's one place where it's always #caturday  - you could say it's #caturdayeveryday

There's a lot of goat poetry out there if you bother to look. Here's a short one with a cute twist at the end. Happy #goaturday

There's a lot of goat poetry out there if you bother to look. Here's a short one with a cute twist at the end. Happy #goaturday

Friday, February 14, 2014

Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by ****

I just found out why this worked for me but most people said it didn't work. It's because I shared it to a community. So I was amazed, but then everyone was like "I don't get it", and I didn't understand why until I wanted to see it again, so I shared it again, this time to Public, and it didn't happen that time, so I shared it privately with a friend of mine and still nothing happened, then all it made sense. I read the comments on the original post, and most of the people were unimpressed but a few were all "Oh My God!!!" because most of them were sharing it publicly and privately, and it doesn't work if you do that. So you know that now.

I love Valentine Shopping.

I love Valentine Shopping.

Happy Valentines Day ladies - I hope you get what you deserve.

Happy Valentines Day ladies - I hope you get what you deserve.
#ofafellows  "The real sweethearts" Organizing for Action - Tennessee

The best start of a Valentines Day ever !

The best start of a Valentines Day ever !

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I was looking for some inspiration and searched for a "Hope" quote and got this -Even in the inevitable moments when all seems hopeless, men know that without hope they cannot really live, and in agonizing desperation they cry for the bread of hope. MLK

I was looking for some inspiration and searched for a "Hope" quote and got this -Even in the inevitable moments when all seems hopeless, men know that without hope they cannot really live, and in agonizing desperation they cry for the bread of hope. MLK
well - when I searched for that passage, I found this fairly long and moving speech. It's just a relevant (or more so) today as it was about fifty years ago.

The video at the end of this is just beautiful.

The video at the end of this is just beautiful. 

Originally shared by Hope Jones

This rings a very familiar note with me. I have, and still do struggle with this almost every day. I am so proud to know such a wonderful woman with such insight. We are all on a journey, and it is worth it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Free downloads & Open Submissions too

Free downloads & Open Submissions too
(for you submissive types)

Richard Foley, a congregant said, "I really don't think God cares what you wear when you worship."

Richard Foley, a congregant said, "I really don't think God cares what you wear when you worship."

Help - anyone interested in letting their voice be heard ?

Help - anyone interested in letting their voice be heard ?

Originally shared by Organizing for Action - Tennessee

Middle TN Fellows Are Ready For Action!!! posted at # #OFAction #OATN Take action:

Join me - Circle me - Talk to me...

Join me - Circle me - Talk to me...

Originally shared by Organizing for Action - Tennessee

Middle TN Fellows Are Ready For Action!!! posted at # #OFAction #OATN Take action:

Income tax refund is in the bank already.

Income tax refund is in the bank already.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

You just never know just what is going to tickle peoples fancy...

You just never know just what is going to tickle peoples fancy...
or is that fancies ???
Please everyone (yes I mean you) go plus this, reshare it too...
Let's make this "HOT!"
#goaturday   - do it for the kids

Awesome !

Awesome !

Originally shared by Debbie Ohi

Yay, thanks to Neatorama for featuring my YouTube playlist of Librarian & Library Songs today!
Fifty seven plusses between us ! Hi-five JD. Your post should be on the "Hot" list. Baaaahahaaa...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Wow. Actual science that's actually interesting.
For the tl;dr crowd: nice spiders finish last are finished off first...