Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thanks to Wendy Cockcroft (she has brains)

Thanks to Wendy Cockcroft (she has brains)

Originally shared by Catherine Morgan (ADreamingOne)

LMFAO! This is brilliant Bliss Morgan

Asia Cansler look!

Originally shared by Dunken K Bliths

Originally shared by Dunken K Bliths

Watch these webcams as Hurricane Sandy hits the US East Coast




#hurricane   #sandy   #usa   #webcam   #video   #live

this might come in handy for some of you

this might come in handy for some of you

Originally shared by Google Maps

We’ve just launched a new Hurricane Sandy crisis map specifically for New York City ( The map features evacuation zone data from NYC Open Data, open shelters, weather information and live webcams. As the team identifies additional information, they’ll be updating the map. 

Note that you can easily share and embed this map on your website by clicking the "Share" button at the top and grabbing the embed code. 

View the map here:

Reformation Sunday #sacredsunday

Reformation Sunday #sacredsunday  
Luther says, "The law of God, the most salutary doctrine of life, cannot advance man on his way to righteousness, but rather hinders him." This means that God's commandments, while good and attractive, cannot save us or justify us. The law impedes us because we try so hard to keep it, but fail miserably.

Friday, October 26, 2012



Originally shared by Virgil Cowen

For Those Who Enjoy A Well Turned Phrase
For Those Who Enjoy Language (or Severe Distortions, thereof ), a few puns included.
1 A man’s home is his castle, in a manor of speaking.
2 Dijon vu - the same mustard as before.
3 Practice safe eating - always use condiments.
4 Those who jump off a bridge in Paris must be in Seine.
5 A man needs a mistress just to break the monogamy.
6 A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
7 Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
8 Reading while sunbathing makes you well red.
9 When two egotists meet, it’s an I for an I.
10 A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two tired.
11 Definition of a will: A dead give away.
12 She was engaged to a boyfriend with a wooden leg but broke it off.
13 A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.
14 If you don’t pay your exorcist, you’ll get repossessed.
15 With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.
16 When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds.
17 You feel stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it.
18 Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.
19 Every calendar’s days are numbered.
20 A lot of money is tainted - It taint yours and it taint mine.
21 A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
22 A midget fortune-teller who escapes from prison is a small medium at large.
23 Once you’ve seen one shopping center, you’ve seen a mall.
24 Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis.
25 Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just little puff piece about our Occupy Palm Beach response to the debate

Just little puff piece about our Occupy Palm Beach response to the debate

Protesters from a number of niche groups lined the streets around Lynn University ahead of Monday night's final presidential debate.
About a dozen of them stood on Glades Road, calling for the candidates to talk about issues like militarization, Wall Street greed and the plight of the poor.
"(We want to hear about) a whole lot of issues that are not being brought up in the debates," Boca Raton resident Mike Budd said. "Sometimes they talk about important issues, but most of the time the debates shut the 99 percent.

Odd local story - anybody else seeing this in their state ?

Odd local story - anybody else seeing this in their state ?

Avogadro !

Avogadro !

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Live, just click on the listen live button. Thanks to Michael Stock

Live, just click on the listen live button. Thanks to Michael Stock

A #sacredsunday thought to share:

A #sacredsunday  thought to share:
People who are religious often do things that we find upsetting. We often blame it on the religiosity of those people. People who aren't religious often do things that upset us too. Some people blame it on their lack of religion. 
We seem to overlook the simple fact that organisms are necessarily competitive. We all compete for space, food, money, power, attention, etc...

I originally intended to point out that this "scientific" fact should lead all people to the conclusion that "science" is obviously the cause of all our problems. I realized two things in regards to that idea. First, it's not all that funny. Second, it's not all that true. It's no more true than the "funny" posts about religion being the cause of all our problems.

So I propose that for SacredSunday and for #sciencesunday  we all take on moment to consider an alternate approach. Why not consider cooperation instead of competition. Seriously, one moment to consider reaching out to another person or group instead of pushing them away. And tomorrow maybe give it another moment, or even two ?

#snakesunday Wooohoo!

#snakesunday  Wooohoo!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Occupy Palm Beach will be at "Peace Corner" on Monday. (Glades/St.Andrews) our website is down (for now) but info will be up on the OPB pages on Facebook & G-positive soon. This is what democracy looks like. FTR: While we don't support any candidate or party, we do support the process. Debate is good. Let's hope we have a real one.

#caturday Ask A Vet

#caturday  Ask A Vet

Have you had enough Mormon info to cool your interest? Check this out.

Have you had enough Mormon info to cool your interest? Check this out.

I hope someone sweetens up your day today.

I hope someone sweetens up your day today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

live now !

live now !

Originally shared by laurie corzett

Dear Fellow Christian Voters

Dear Fellow Christian Voters
I hear that you're voting for that nice Mormon fellow. I hope that works out well for you. I myself will just stay with Jesus. That whole re-baptising thing just bothers me. I pray that God finds me worthy of His Kingdom but hey- you're going to get your own planet anyway...
Reverend Theo

Dear Undecided Voter

Dear Undecided Voter
I feel your pain. It's so complicated this time. One simple question that may (I hope) help you to apply the KISS rule...

Do you want a president who is working hard for the country or one who is working hard for the country club ?

I hope that helps.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hi - What does Rocky think of Robbie. btw- your comment just disappeared - did you remove it ? also, been busy but the new story has me hungry for more, please ...
In a little less that an hour (here) it will be 8:09 10/11/12.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This one is really good. Fast and dark. Also- log in to review, its quick and easy and when Adam wins you can say, "I helped."

This one is really good. Fast and dark. Also- log in to review, its quick and easy and when Adam wins you can say, "I helped."

Whose going to be the first LG+BT to come out tomorrow ?

Whose going to be the first LG+BT to come out tomorrow ?

Via Franklin Ross Sorry I can't be there. My prayers will be though and I wiil pray for the souls of the misguided Westies too. May God return them to His path.

Via Franklin Ross Sorry I can't be there. My prayers will be though and I wiil pray for the souls of the misguided Westies too. May God return them to His path.

Originally shared by ****

OH HELL NO!!!! I just got wind of this from a fan.

Westboro Baptist Church will be protesting SGT Donna Johnson's funeral at 10:15am Saturday Oct 13th at the Raeford Presbyterian Church, 128 Edinborogh Ave Raeford NC 28376. If you live close, please go & help the volunteers stand in line between WBC & the family. If you don't, please repost so others will know about it. SGT Johnson was killed in Khost, Afghanistan on Oct 1st by a suicide bomber. She has served our nation for 6 yrs. This was her 3rd deployment. She leaves behind her wife, Tracy.

I know if feels good to post important stuff on the internet. Probably nobody knows that Republicans are bad and Democrats are too. Don't get me started on the Libertarians, tea-peeps, Atheists and religious extremists. If we just post more, people will start to pay attention, right?

I know if feels good to post important stuff on the internet. Probably nobody knows that Republicans are bad and Democrats are too. Don't get me started on the Libertarians, tea-peeps, Atheists and religious extremists. If we just post more, people will start to pay attention, right?
Seriously though...
We can actually do something about bullying. First, stop it you guys. LOL (sorta kinda) Second, read this and step away from the computer and DO something. Please ?

Re-share (or else)

Re-share (or else)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

oooooooh shiny !

oooooooh shiny !

Into each life some rain must fall.

Into each life some rain must fall.
I'm meeting my sweetie in Atlanta this weekend. I asked her to dress up like a nurse for a little cosplay. I have this fantasy where I pretend to have health insurance.

Damn robots do need to put on some pants !

Damn robots do need to put on some pants !

Originally shared by Fred Robel

Naughty Naked Roomba

The Roomba chugged around the room
Picking up everything it could
Dog hair, dust bunnies
Specks of grass and bits of wood

I pondered its activity
Through beer goggle eyes
And though the little Roomba grew sexier 
There was still something off besides its small size

That was a question for a more sober me
As to how so much junk could fit in its trunk
How it could whirl around all day
Doing nothing but sucking up funk

Today right now this second
The thing that concerned me
Was the fact that it was just so naked
And it didn't even care that I could see

Weren't these supposed to be our robot overlords?
Come to rule us with iron hands?
In my humble opinion
Before they do they should put on pants

It's not that the sight of spigots or sockets offend me 
It just a respect thing is all
If I'm going to bend my knee to a superior race
Is it too much to ask that they wear pants while engineering our downfall?

It all made sense at the time
Or it may have been the beer and box of wine
But the next thing I knew I was rummaging in the dog box
Finding cute little canine Halloween costumes 
And thinking I could somehow make them work
Without making that Roomba look like too much of a dork

How about this pumpkin....
No, too predictable for me
Maybe this little red crab costume
Oh yes! I almost forgot
When you squeeze the little claw it sings Under the Sea!

Stumbling after the racing Roomba
I caught up to it near the stairs
I kept a close eye on the cornered beastie
Just in case he tried to attack me unaware

In the end the Roomba put up little fight
As I snip snipped here and there
Adding little strips of duct tape to make it fit right
Satisfied I retired back to the drink next to my chair

I can only guess that the Roomba didn't like it very much though
Because when I woke up this morning
Passed out in the middle if my floor like I was dead
It was to the constant banging
Of a little red crab Roomba bouncing off my forehead

Pocket Poem Live Poets Society Moan Lisa amanda panda Amanda Rachelle Warren T. Pascal Maria Morisot  #pocketpoem   #roomba

You can catch more bees with cupcakes...

You can catch more bees with cupcakes...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Re-shared for time of day and to add attribution- ref's from wikipedia

Re-shared for time of day and to add attribution- ref's from wikipedia

Originally shared by ted kelly

Sgt. Alvin York
Someday we should try to learn from the past instead of about it. Almost a hundred year ago he made history. If you don't know the story you should look him up, or at least watch the movie. Regardless, you should consider the following.
(and no- it's not too long, read it)
"I'm a Democrat first, last, and all the time," he said—in January 1941 "liberty and freedom are so very precious that you do not fight and win them once and stop." They are "prizes awarded only to those peoples who fight to win them and then keep fighting eternally to hold them!"
York originally believed in the morality of America's intervention in World War I. By the mid-1930s, he looked back more critically: "I can't see that we did any good. There’s as much trouble now as there was when we were over there. I think the slogan 'A war to end war.' is all wrong." He fully endorsed American preparedness, but showed sympathy for isolationism in saying he would fight only if war came to America.

 At times he was blunt: "I think any man who talks against the interests of his own country ought to be arrested and put in jail, not excepting senators and colonels."



Snark Mark

Snark Mark
This, like the copyrighted SarcMark, is used to indicate that a sentence should be understood beyond the literal meaning. Unlike the SarcMark, this one is copyright free and easy to type: it’s just a period followed by a tilde.

Sgt. Alvin York

Sgt. Alvin York
Someday we should try to learn from the past instead of about it. Almost a hundred year ago he made history. If you don't know the story you should look him up, or at least watch the movie. Regardless, you should consider the following.
(and no- it's not too long, read it)
"I'm a Democrat first, last, and all the time," he said—in January 1941 "liberty and freedom are so very precious that you do not fight and win them once and stop." They are "prizes awarded only to those peoples who fight to win them and then keep fighting eternally to hold them!"
York originally believed in the morality of America's intervention in World War I. By the mid-1930s, he looked back more critically: "I can't see that we did any good. There’s as much trouble now as there was when we were over there. I think the slogan 'A war to end war.' is all wrong." He fully endorsed American preparedness, but showed sympathy for isolationism in saying he would fight only if war came to America.

 At times he was blunt: "I think any man who talks against the interests of his own country ought to be arrested and put in jail, not excepting senators and colonels."

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Goodnight - and may your dreams be Cephalopod free..

Goodnight - and may your dreams be Cephalopod free..
I have had the volume turned up for about two weeks on this circle. I just can't keep it here any longer. If you want me to see things you post, please reply here or send me p.m. Otherwise, I'll still see you on occasion on other peoples threads.

#sacredsunday *The Sacred Foods Project*, launched in the summer of 2005 by ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, is an interfaith effort to incorporate religious and ethical principles in food production, distribution, and consumption.

#sacredsunday  *The Sacred Foods Project*, launched in the summer of 2005 by ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, is an interfaith effort to incorporate religious and ethical principles in food production, distribution, and consumption.

Remember - a vote for any third party candidate puts a Republican in your bedroom. And on the supreme court for the rest of your life...

Remember - a vote for any third party candidate puts a Republican in your bedroom. And on the supreme court for the rest of your life...

Stop hurting yourself.

Stop hurting yourself.

Originally shared by Jim Feig

Heck, I've probably done this one like a zillion times.

Heck, I've probably done this one like a zillion times.

I'm saving some of this for this weekend - If I can manage to put it down.

I'm saving some of this for this weekend - If I can manage to put it down.

Originally shared by James S. Noble

Originally shared by James S. Noble

Missing Teen
Name:James Joseph Noble
Age: 14
Height:5’ 7¼”  
Weight: 170#
Last Seen: 10pm at home, 1840 Portofino Drive, Oceanside, CA 92054

Clothing: Cargo Shorts – Possibly blue or black
              Shirt – Possibly Gray, or Blue, may be wearing two shirts.
              Sneakers – Grey with Orange markings (Champion)
Contact: 911, Oceanside Police (760) 435-4900
Recent Photo below.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Who dun it - quote version ???

Who dun it - quote version ???

With all of you men out there who think that having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I have learned in my life I've found out that having one woman a thousand different times is much more satisfying.

via ilie mihaescu

via ilie mihaescu 

Originally shared by Krystyn Chong


This green jack o' lantern shows it's true color.

#sevensins #halloween #picky

Did you make out that our brain requires exercising (as much as our body) in order to function efficiently ?

Did you make out that our brain requires exercising (as much as our body) in order to function efficiently ?



Thursday, October 4, 2012

A different perspective...

A different perspective...

looking east from "the reservation" on Alligator Alley

looking east from "the reservation" on Alligator Alley


He: Where in tarnation have you been woman ?
She:Well honey, I took my new drivers license and voted.
          Just like you told me to, on the way back from the store.
He: Hey, where's my beer? I told you I wanted 4 more beers.
She: Oops.

I understand how this would make some people uncomfortable. When I was in the army I felt a little squirmy during the invocations and suchlike. I have to wonder though if it's so important that you would demand that action be taken to protect your freedoms, would you also welcome the Westboro Baptists to cheer on the suicides ? They have freedoms too, right ?

I understand how this would make some people uncomfortable. When I was in the army I felt a little squirmy during the invocations and suchlike. I have to wonder though if it's so important that you would demand that action be taken to protect your freedoms, would you also welcome the Westboro Baptists to cheer on the suicides ? They have freedoms too, right ?

Do you really want peace ? How much do you want it ? What if it's not easy? If you aren't afraid of it, here's the first tiny step.

Do you really want peace ? How much do you want it ? What if it's not easy? If you aren't afraid of it, here's the first tiny step.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A to Z only a little different - I'm going with peeps that I have not yet seen like a gazillion times. I also went for more awesomeness when there was a choice. So if you see this in your notifications it means I think the world of you.

A to Z only a little different - I'm going with peeps that I have not yet seen like a gazillion times. I also went for more awesomeness when there was a choice. So if you see this in your notifications it means I think the world of you.
Alex Grossman 
Todd Byars 
Christy Sandhoff 
Joyce Donahue 
Ila East 
Lori Friedrich 
Glenn Rogers 
Roger Harrison 
Rob L Woodson III 
John Dowling 
Kathy Larson 
Morgaine LeFaye
James Misel  
Nykki B 
Cheetos Oona 
lynn paden 
Daniel Ely Rankin 
john sanders 
Trudy Connor 
R. uben 
Samantha Villenave 
Mike Williams
Xavier Ho 
Muhammad Yunus 
Zev Lexryder

Monday, October 1, 2012

Originally shared by Lena Levin

Originally shared by Lena Levin

This would be my "good morning" painting today:

"Challenging the abyss of humiliation". 48"×24", Oil on canvas, March 2012

Let it also be an early submission for #firstfridayartwalk for First Friday Art Walk , which will be happening this weekend. Wondering what it is -- it's a monthly exhibit of artworks organized by Samantha Villenave. Check her stream and the page for more details!

I haven't been posting much political stuff lately. 1) I think we're all pretty numb to this stuff by now. 2) It's hard to sift thewheat from the lies chaff. 3)You're welcome -lol.

I haven't been posting much political stuff lately. 1) I think we're all pretty numb to this stuff by now. 2) It's hard to sift thewheat from the lies chaff. 3)You're welcome -lol. 
I thought about this one for a while and ran with it because even though The Progressive is often suspect and totally biased, the author has a reasonable reputation. Also he names locations and names and uses direct quotes rather than opinions and "it's been said".
Most importantly, I ran with it because in my opinion, the Romney Extremist is not so extreme compared to the r/l Romney supporters I know. Take a look at this please, Especially if you are planning to vote Republican this year.

Good morning peeps, And NO this is not the day where we all ridicule Vegans and pick on them all day.

Good morning peeps, And NO this is not the day where we all ridicule Vegans and pick on them all day.

Celebrate this with your family. (hint)

Celebrate this with your family. (hint)