Saturday, June 6, 2015

Who else is going to ante up for some #beachpoker ? Christina Lihani, Marilyn Benham, Steffan Correll and I are in. Why not you ?

Who else is going to ante up for some #beachpoker ? Christina Lihani, Marilyn Benham, Steffan Correll and I are in. Why not you ?
Here's Three of a kind for my next hand.


  1. wow that is gorgeous... ted kelly .. I'm still playing but will have to toss another card tomorrow.. xo

  2. Living on Teddy Time - no worries - just happys...

  3. Love this ted kelly! I just want to crawl into the computer and BE there! I don't know if I have any old "cards" to play... I'll have to take another look.

  4. These three are beautiful. Wish I could be there. I have to wait til mid of august when I will go to an Italian beach. Hope to get some good photos there.

  5. I wish I was there too. I haven't been back home in ages. It's not so bad now but I really miss Florida the most in the winter.

  6. Thanks everybody. That Ft Lauderdale about two years ago, on the "strip". I was on lunch break and it was so hot that the beach was almost empty. The bars across the street on the other hand were not.
