Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall - Longfellow

The answer to this problem, and perhaps all of our problems is simple.
More Grate
Grate Art Wednesday and David Washington and Gary Posner will back me up on this I'm sure. More #grateartwednesday please.



Sunday, May 28, 2017

I stole a copy of The Watchtower when the missionaries were distracted.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

One of my besties allowed me to collaborate on one of her photos. I "rippled" it and saved the nine images in GIMP. Then I applied a radial gradient at 20% to each with a progressively larger length. I completed the process in LunaPic because my poor old computer would lock up every time I tried to export the GIF.

One of my besties allowed me to collaborate on one of her photos. I "rippled" it and saved the nine images in GIMP. Then I applied a radial gradient at 20% to each with a progressively larger length. I completed the process in LunaPic because my poor old computer would lock up every time I tried to export the GIF.

Christina Lihani allowed me to collaborate on one of her photos.

Christina Lihani allowed me to collaborate on one of her photos.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Rumor has it that American Evangelicals are planning a Christian version of Sesame Street. The main character will be called The Muppet Pastor.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Sometime when the beach is calling, you just have to go...

Sometime when the beach is calling, you just have to go...

Howdy, Hi there, friends and neighbors. The not right Reverend Theo here with yet another installment of ROFaD. I've been thinking a lot about marriage in general rather than just my own lately. I find that it helps keep me from thinking about too much about current affairs and topical issues. I need to take a break now and then (as we all should) and this is about as far from politics and relationships as you can get. Lets go for a ride.

Howdy, Hi there, friends and neighbors. The not right Reverend Theo here with yet another installment of ROFaD. I've been thinking a lot about marriage in general rather than just my own lately. I find that it helps keep me from thinking about too much about current affairs and topical issues. I need to take a break now and then (as we all should) and this is about as far from politics and relationships as you can get. Lets go for a ride.
PS - I'm still working on trying to get a good video. Version 3.0 of the phone cradle is on the workbench right now. Leave me a comment with suggestions and or if you want me to make one for you ???

Monday, May 22, 2017

You must always use caution when choosing what to shoot on #circleshapesmonday.

You must always use caution when choosing what to shoot on #circleshapesmonday.
I know a lot of the peeps who folllow Circle Shapes Monday prefer to shoot Canon. But as an old soldier, I say, give me a howitzer any day...

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

This was six clicks and about 30 or so seconds

This was six clicks and about 30 or so seconds
1 on whats new
1 on public
1 on see more
23 second wait
1 on search
1 on your name
1 on done

I absolutely hate the search function on G+.

I absolutely hate the search function on G+.
I realize that they PTB (powers the be) are trying to
make this into something unsocial and all but yikes !
So today I wanted to PM someone.
I've just about given up doing that. It's just too damn
much trouble, right ?
But then I remembered, I'm a plusser. There's always a
way. (and usually a better way too)
So I posted my slightly risque and totally politically
incorrect msg. to a circle of zero members. The one I use to
save things to for later. I just tagged the person I wanted to
and BINGO. Easy peasie personal message sent.
How do you msg. your peeps ?

I know it's #caturday and all - but this is just so damn great.

I know it's #caturday and all - but this is just so damn great.

Originally shared by Kevin Walsh

the daily double

boy......imagine a heart shaped garden.

dog......imagine a round garden shaped like a water bowl.

boy......If I had a heart for a garden it would grow marbles and
baseball cards and cotton candy and fast bikes.

dog.....and tennis balls.

boy......It's difficult enough composing a poem without a backseat
poet on four legs every time I come up with a line.

dog......your whole fucking life you imagined having a dog that could
talk to you, to you...secretly... when no one else was around,
and to tell you its innermost thoughts about things, ....
that was you wasn't it ?....please God just a talking dog.

boy......alright alright alright.......jesus Christ. just shut up every once
in a while......keep your thoughts to yourself.
this poetry stuff is not easy.'s not exactly what i'd call breaking a sweat.

boy......if I had a heart for a garden it would grow tennis balls and
and marbles...there would be ice cream shops on every corner.

dog.....and they'd have bushes and small trees outside their entrance.

(dogs, ........far better friends than food:)

Walter Gantt

Walter Gantt
I hate the new G+ search function. So I shared this to a circle of nobody and tagged you. So it should be the same as a PM.

I was so tempted to say something like:

I do love a good clean ho...

But (patting myself on the back) I refrained from saying that on your post...

*truth be known - I like a bad dirty ho now and then too... lol

Originally shared by Walter Gantt

Alley Cat....for #caturday Phil Y Nicole H . Found this on a back street in Shelby NC. All nice and clean and resting in the alley/street there.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

David Washington & Gary Posner Have opened my eyes to the magic of #grateartwednesday The grates are all around us. Some call out, "stay with me for a time" Others warn us to keep away.

David Washington & Gary Posner Have opened my eyes to the magic of #grateartwednesday The grates are all around us. Some call out, "stay with me for a time" Others warn us to keep away.
Even so, I had to almost trip over this little beacon of light before I heard it's song. So to all of you who follow Grate Art Wednesday I'll share with you a little poem my daddy used to tell me.

Look up, look down, look all around
See my thumb ?
Gee, you're dumb...



Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Whatever shape you're in, I hope you have a #grateartwednesday

Whatever shape you're in, I hope you have a #grateartwednesday
I found this band downtown. I did not, thank goodness have to "Rumble in the Alley" though. If I had, I'm sure Gary Posner & David Washington and the whole gang at Grate Art Wednesday would have had my back.



Sunday, May 7, 2017

I think we're on track to have a great #rustysunday this week. I like the big spike in the number of rail related shots too. Thanks to Gary Posner for engineering the RustySunday line.

I think we're on track to have a great #rustysunday this week. I like the big spike in the number of rail related shots too. Thanks to Gary Posner for engineering the RustySunday line.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017



For #grateartwednesday, I'd like to misquote one of my favorite photographers - Jim Richardson

For #grateartwednesday, I'd like to misquote one of my favorite photographers - Jim Richardson
"If you want to be a better photographer, stand in from of better grates"

Now, you might not recognize the name Jim Richardson like you would, David Washington or Gary Posner but if you've looked at almost any National Geographic issue from the last decade or so you would have seen his work.

If you want to see some of Gary or Davids work, just stand in front of Grate Art Wednesday. Or better yet, just follow them. And please be careful shooting around trains.