Thursday, June 4, 2015

Here's a butterfly - for no particular reason

Here's a butterfly - for no particular reason
I've been using an old laptop for the last year or so running Vista. I missed being able to do simple edits right from my G+ photos but on the other hand it did get me started using things like Pixlr and later GIMP and LightZone and all sorts of editor apps.
Still, it was handy and quick and since Vista didn't play well with G+ photos, I missed it. Well - now the Google Photos app does allow for at least basic things I decided to give it a whirl. This took all of about two minutes and I like the results even better than what I got out of some more powerful tools in my kit bag.


  1. Me too. Them and sunlight !
    They must have been really tasty that day. I was practicing my manual focus and my lil' friend here let me fire off about a half dozen shots. Sometimes Michelle Smith it seems like I'm living the alphabet. That day was all about birds, bugs and butterflies.

  2. Beautiful subjects ;-) ted kelly and that is a great way to practice manual...each day do a new letter !!

  3. hmmm... that makes sense, Maybe...

  4. So beautiful, precious!
    i love butterfly, thanks for post
