Friday, October 17, 2014

Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger

Originally shared by Yonatan Zunger

The Gods of the World: A group called "The 40 Foundation" put together this rather extraordinary infographic of the world's religions and how they're (historically) related to one another. It's a phylogenetic tree of the gods.

I can't say that this diagram is complete, nor that it shows every possible cross-pollination; it would be very hard to do so, given just how intricate this aspect of history is. Likewise, it's hard to define the boundaries between various sects, at times; while the Protestants are very famous for each sect having its own name and being firmly opposed to those schismatics from the Popular Front of Judea, many other religious divisions have been more subtle, two groups simply moving away from each other over time, or one group simply adopting a radically different theology without telling anyone. But the image is detailed enough that you can clearly see phenomena like the Protestant Reformation, the emergence of Islam, and quite a few other historical events very visually. And to nitpick a work this complex feels almost petty.

You can view single images at the link, or a zoomable version (with an admittedly crappy UI) at

h/t Alex Fink for finding this.

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