Tuesday, May 5, 2015

~ Yay ! Whoopee and suchlike on the "Collections" Thingie ~

~ Yay ! Whoopee and suchlike on the "Collections" Thingie ~
If "collections" are so cool, why does my stream look like a candidate for a super-fund clean up team ? And why have almost a hundred spam-bots circled me since yesterday afternoon ? Oh great and wise google gods, why do you make it easier to unfollow people yet such a pain to unfollow collections ?  Why are you are making my "newsfeed" look so much more enticing ?


  1. Spam bots. Check with www.circlecount.com. just log in with your G+ profile. Then Click on the profile in circle count to see all the public circles you have been shared in. One page called Ads and PR was my biggest culprit. I blocked that one. And things have slowed down. Follow CircleCount​ :-)

  2. Thanks Sheila. Yes, I've had CC since like forever. Heck, I don't care if they follow me, it just means that some real folks might not get followed back. I'm just ignoring all adds for the time being. The plus usually shuts them off pretty quickly anyway.

  3. ted kelly  Yeah...   I figured if they want followed back they better start commenting on what i share.... Heck people blindly add circles not know who or what is in them...
