Friday, May 15, 2015

Ask not what you can do with #sketchgurusaturday , but rather, what can those silly sketching apps do for you ?

Ask not what you can do with  #sketchgurusaturday  , but rather, what can those silly sketching apps do for you ? 
Here is a picture I took at The Playboy mansion the wax museum with Hope, my wife and Hugh Hefner. I didn't get a usable shot but with a little help from Pixlr and Lunapic I was able to salvage a humorous memory anyway. 
So ? Do you have any snapshots that just aren't what you wanted. They just might make a nice oil painting or charcoal sketch. 
Also it's kind of fun and the bestest thing ever - paula contreras and sometimes Christina Lihani and I ( ted kelly ) will be able to enjoy your "shares" Only if you remember to tag us though and don't forget to add the #sketchgurusaturday  so everyone else can find them too.


  1. got mine ready  ;-)  well done sir and have a great weekend

  2. Hahaha! It turned out great ted kelly! I think you could go into advertising -- you are so good at it!

  3. Hope just asked me why it looks like Bill Mahr...

  4. ted kelly...when you can edit and save makes photography all that more enjoyable..nicely done Ted.... :-)

  5. Fun turn of events ted kelly​!
