Sunday, May 17, 2015

So what do you suppose is the deal with those sister-wives ? And would you have to introduce your wifes mom as your mother in common ? How about if you get divorced and then marry someone else in a church service. Would your church ex-commonicate you ?

So what do you suppose is the deal with those sister-wives ? And would you have to introduce your wifes mom as your mother in common ? How about if you get divorced and then marry someone else in a church service. Would your church ex-commonicate you ?
Enquiring minds need to know these things.


  1. Very interesting. I grew up in Fla where it was (maybe still is ?) recognized. My mom always called it "living in sin" though.
    Funny thing - my mother~in~law who is a strict and serious, bible totin' Baptist took a shine to me right away. Then she realized that I was a member of a cult. (you would think that the name Kelly would be a clue, huh ?) So she suggested that rather than marrying a (gulp) Catholic it might be better for us to just "shack-up". LOL
    She got over it though. Once she discovered that I'm a ordained minister with the Universal Life Church (of Modesto CA) she relaxed some.

  2. I don't know if my sister recognises it or not. She's been engaged for a while now. People are afraid of what they don't understand. They try to find reasons to push it away. Of course, my mum is not happy, but there is nothing she can do. He is a nice guy and they text sometimes. I'm like the complete opposite of my siblings, but that's not to say I'm better. I'm not saying they sin and I don't, that would just be silly.

  3. For sure - but you know who really really loves us sinners ?

  4. we are not a common law wife state...after my divorce long ago I went to see my pastor.  He told me the words were "what God put together" not "what two young fools in heat" .....

  5. Ah but I didn't say excommunicated. What I said was ex~common~icated... Just being my usual silly self.

  6. He is a wise guy man with many levels of meaning. 
    Hey, hows the porch coming along ?
