Thursday, May 14, 2015

I help out with an ongoing weekly photo theme. Usually 8-10 sometimes 15-20 people post pix. We are considering a page or community and a snappier hashtag and name.

I help out with an ongoing weekly photo theme. Usually 8-10 sometimes 15-20 people post pix. We are considering a page or community and a snappier hashtag and name.
Suggestions ? 
Is one better than the other - maybe both ? Who's using collections for this kind of stuff ? Etc...


  1. You currently help where? - email/Facebook group?  You can control every post on a Page, but the chances of you getting many visitors is low since no one else can contribute and it will compete with all the Communities and Collections.   But you could create a Page of these 20 top photo theme aggregators, and that Page could post to its own Community or other Photo Theme communities.

  2. Good point John. Currently we have three curators and anyone can share with the #sketchgurusaturday  hashtag. We don't want to make more work for contributors because it's just for fun, A way for non-artsy types and bored semi-serious photographers to just be whimsical and sometimes maybe re-charge their batteries (so to speak). 
    The whole thrust about changing things is to make it even easier to join in. Since G+ is sporadically making it less likely that the hashtag will auto-complete, it seems like a lot of effort just to type in the hashtag. By the time you tag it and plus-tag all three curators it's not quite so easy anymore. 
    We'd like to make it so when someone is feeling "artistic" and frivolous they can post a picture and add one quick and easy tag and then the curators can aggregate them and make nicey-nice comments and the other peeps can chime in and pat each other on the backs without much effort.

  3. Sounds like you want a Public G+ Community - probably with Ask to Join to keep out spammers and non-artistic narcissists.  Even if it never grows past 20 or so members, it will serve the purpose and people can still use Hashtags in their posts and they will be visible to search by G+ and Google.  The downside is that those posts won't go into the stream of the artists unless they reshare it a second time - so a bit more work for them if they want their own Followers to see it.

  4. Thanks JRE. Response like this is exactly why I broached the subject here. You sir, have singlehandedly managed to get me thinking instead of just wishing. Yay you !
    Seriously though - thanks bunches.
