Friday, May 29, 2015

The plus is not cooperating. (grrrrrrr!)

The plus is not cooperating. (grrrrrrr!)

So - how about a little challenge.
Once a month, every month, no excuses.
We share a new poem in our blogs.

Deal ?


  1. I could probably do that.... ;-)
    So sit back, tip your hat
    I will talk of a ghost town
    Old and young....a village clown...
    It will not fade my memory.
    Many are my digital Family
    I go there daily you see
    G+ is the place to be...
    Not like that old Junction
    For which I have no gumption
    Nor Tweet nor Book
    This the place I go to look....

  2. I will hunt for my poems. Warning, most are dark?

  3. A quick snapshot poem:

    Parallel lines onto horizons shore,
    Yellow in colour with fine splendour,
    Past cyclists a riding and boards a board,
    The walkers just walk, most together in accord.
    What finesse in the picture that words can ad dour.
    A fine work of art and I look forward too more.

  4. Well. gosh and Yay ! I am shocked and awed. I'll start priming the poetic pump and see what I can provide post haste...

  5. It is indeed. So olga belov when can we look forward to a new one from you ?

  6. thanks Ted! now is zero inspiration:)
    maybe something from last year?

  7. Why certainly and of course any of your poetry is always eagerly anticipated. Best of luck with your inspiration though. I hope the springtime lights things up for you,

  8. thanks! i hope so, this spring came very late
    and it's cold still...
