Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The challenge was "Crazy", right ? Well, I just about went crazy putting this together.

The challenge was "Crazy", right ? Well, I just about went crazy putting this together.
Panno in camera/XnSketch/Pixlr and finally GIMP.
(about an hour) phew...


  1. So freaking crazy cool Theo, much better viewed full screen though!

  2. Don't know what you did, but this is awesome

  3. The intense colors and sun is what really makes this so cool!

  4. I added the sun last - in GIMP and the sky just before that. Mostly it was a panno that I used XnSketch on and I think it was cartoon2. Then I put the cannons in with Pixlr and GIMPed the renderings for sky/sun. 
    For me, it's the Peace on Earth sign which is actually on the building, that gets to me. I just enlarged it a bit.

  5. Wow, you put a lot of work into this one ted kelly!

  6. Heck Christina - anything for you or Paula. She asked for crazy and I got cranking. Ground glass, the Matterhorn, Boston traffic, just say the word,,,
    (not rush hour though)
