Monday, May 4, 2015

#wpc2015 The beauty of decay. Gravity and the weather are helping to return this artifact to a natural state. The moss and mold are doing their part too.

#wpc2015  The beauty of decay. Gravity and the weather are helping to return this artifact to a natural state. The moss and mold are doing their part too.


  1. Nice capture and surely showing signs of wear and tear from the forces of Mother Nature ;))

  2. TY - It was tough. I have some absolutely gorgeous pictures of dead trees and old barns and even a nice one of an old camera. This one spoke to me though.

  3. ted kelly I know how hard it can be to choose, feel free to share some of your other "contestants" in the Share your Best Photos category ;))

  4. I've decided, I don't like gravity....especially when it comes to retaining walls, stone walls, and my face!

  5. Gravity is not just a good idea, it's the Law!

  6. I have a retaining wall that is starting to lean... eek!

  7. Maybe you need a restraining order MB ?

  8. I just look at it and try to figure out if it is moving or if it is still stable... Thanks much ted kelly
