Friday, May 8, 2015

It was either this. or trimming some hedges in almost 90 degree weather.So you guys keep cool and beware #AlienAbductionFriday

It was either this. or trimming some hedges in almost 90 degree weather.So you guys keep cool and beware  #AlienAbductionFriday
Irene Kato
Alex Lapidus
Heiko Mahr
Karl Geiger Jr
Janice Hackney
Jetski Jones
Alien Abduction Friday


  1. Looks like you've gone from summer to Iceworld -- very cool image :-)

  2. Thanks Alex. I tend to get carried away with these. I am already thinking about one for next week though. Maybe I won't bucher it up so much. Now - all I need is a ride in a small open cockpit airplane and some duct tape...

  3. I'd say you made the right choice, Ted!

  4. you've got the gingerbread man running for its life!
