Saturday, April 26, 2014

Well it's #sketchgurusaturday and I've been playing again. I used a few toys for this one including Sketch HD from the playstore. Christina Lihanipaula contreras Amanda WyckoffOscar Lovett

Well it's #sketchgurusaturday and I've been playing again. I used a few toys for this one including Sketch HD from the playstore. Christina Lihanipaula contreras Amanda WyckoffOscar Lovett


  1. Perfect ted kelly was raining here last night too.   I just love rain on a window and thank you for sharing this one with us today for #sketchgurusaturday

  2. I'm glad you liked it. This one was really fun. The rain was totally from the sketch HD app though. The original was bright and warm and really really noisy because I was right next to the tracks.

  3. It rained a bit in the desert too. Great photo ted kelly

  4. I love this!  I've been really enjoying all of rainy days lately. :D  This is a wonderful post, ted kelly.

  5. Lovely! Now send some of that rain here!
