TANSTAAFL you moochers...
meme and graphic by Tracy Knauss:
"For the rightwinging, gunslinging Libertarian-leaning mob defending freeloading Arizona rancher Cliven Bundy, it was YOUR Patron Saint, Ronald Reagan who should be incurring your wrath. Not President Obama. Note: They are using this open/closed case of a Nevada rancher who grazes on public lands but won't pay his fees, as a cause célèbre to create another Waco and ignite the next American Revolution so they can "take their country back."
Hey Jutt Rockjaw I would be glad to share your opinion on this subject. Feel free to add your thoughts if they are pertinent to the post. Or go hijack somebody else's if you want. Or start your own and tag me. Just please refrain from hijacking mine. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHe extended the formula for the grazing fee that expired from the original law of 1978. This assured that the fees would remain very low. At the time, it was a victory for ranchers. Much pressure was being put on the government by environmentalists to increase the fee substantially.
ReplyDeleteEnvironmental groups had a fit with the extension because of the indefinite low price.
throw that law breakers ass in jail or pay the one million dollars he owns now
ReplyDeleteDoes that make it right. The man was paying state taxes. Regan was just a man like Obama not always right or wrong. So take your two cent comment and put it in your pocket.
ReplyDeleteA variety of opinions are always welcome on my threads. Attitudes - meh... Don't push it...
ReplyDeleteRegardless of who established the formulas. Instead of surrounding the mans ranch with helicopters and federal agents to slaughter the cattle that were only partly his. Why hasn't he been arrested and tried? I think that is at the heart of the matter. If the man has violated the law, then lets have a trial and make the case. A new American revolution...create a Waco? I think it is far more likely they were there to try to PREVENT another Ruby Ridge or Waco! But it does serve as a small glimpse at the fact that there are many in this country who are ready to oppose a government that is becoming less and less trusted by its citizens.
ReplyDeleteHey, all the other countries are having civil wars, why not us ?
ReplyDeleteted kelly Some other countries are killing their people, instead of arresting them. We should serve as a better example.
ReplyDeleteNo war is civil
ReplyDeleteted kelly right on point Ted kelly