Saturday, April 5, 2014

Amanda Wyckoff , paula contreras , Oscar Lovett & I along with Christina Lihani share #sketchgrurusaturday and today I'm using the program to play around with a shot I took one morning in Nashville.

Amanda Wyckoff , paula contreras , Oscar Lovett & I along with Christina Lihani share   #sketchgrurusaturday   and today I'm using the program to play around with a shot I took one morning in Nashville.


  1. I like it ted kelly! Love the before and after. The second photo makes me think of an old postcard!

  2. Thank you. The updated paint program is really easy to play with. I've got to admit thought that Sketchguru has a higher awesome value in its own way.

  3. Wonderful job ted kelly You really need to open this full screen to appreciate it.  Thanks for sharing with the #sketchgurusaturday   Gang!

  4. ted kelly I like the comparison. And it does look very good when it's bigger. I hope everyone opened it in full screen. :-)

  5. I immediately opened to full screen to see this, I was very happy to see the other comments about viewing this full screen.  :)
    Very beautiful ted kelly!  Very nicely done!

  6. Thanks bunches. I was just tickled to try the thing but was seriously thrilled at the sheer quality of the participation this week. I'm already thinking about next week too.
