Sunday, June 2, 2013

A long but uplifting read for #sacredsunday

A long but uplifting read for #sacredsunday  
So let’s talk about a common ground for the common good, including people of faith, people who are spiritual but not religious, or secular but with moral sensibilities. I want to get over our fear of each other and embrace each other’s best moral values and find where we can work together.
My apologies to someone who shared this recently for not remembering who you are.


  1. Did Jesus say,"love some of your neighbors" ?

  2. So you would pray for someone who was an unbeliever ?

  3. Well I find that concept to be disturbing. I think that Gods will is not something to interfere with. Yes, tell them about God and offer to help them find their way. But if God in his infinite wisdom has given them the blessing of free will, who am I to try to take it away. Praying for their salvation is different than showing them the way. It's like (in my eyes) telling God that His plan is not to your liking and that you have a better plan.
    I am open to the idea that I may have simply misunderstood our exchange of ideas here. If so, please don't be offended by my failure to understand.

  4. Where the grace of God is missed, bitterness is born. But where the grace of  God is embraced, forgiveness flourishes.
