Friday, June 14, 2013

Interesting times...

Interesting times...


  1. I have a good friend who (20 yrs ago) shot himself in the stomach with a shotgun. I can't even imagine what it would feel like to fail like that. Or the ouch factor for that matter... lol

  2. In reverse, I do not think I could consent to let someone else do it for me.  Not only would I be afraid I wouldn't be allowed to change my mind... I have that control thing that says I'm the only one who can do a proper job of the things I want done and if I ask for help, they'll only botch it haha.  Well, and the writer in me says death should be poetic, not sterile.  I'm an Opheliac, I guess.  Death is never pretty.

    Thanks for clearing up my confusion, Ted.  A friend in another place is posting frantic, freak-out stuff about Belgians euthanizing autistic children which I found to be unfathomable (the accusation, that is).  I guess this law is at the root of that paranoia.  Just another attempt by conservatives to engage our xenophobia and to undermine actual issues without evidence by triggering the "fight or flight" response.

  3. Where do you think i got the idea from to research this issue ? My thanks to you Sheila Schilling-Kreutner . And ftr I think if I was Belgian I'd choose "death by chocolate"if I felt like checking out.
