Sunday, June 16, 2013

Trying an experiment. Looking for some feedback.

Trying an experiment. Looking for some feedback.
I'm trying out a live streaming app.
Take a peek at
and let me know if it works...


  1. Oops! Google Chrome could not find
    A routable address would be good. You also need a colon instead of a period before the port number you're serving from.

  2. Thanks. I'll try again later after I do some more homework.

  3. 1. Configure server such as Apache on localhost and make sure it works.
    2. Open a port on your router so that external requests to the router's Internet address are routed to your server.
    3. Don't forget to close the hole you just opened up in your firewall when you're done.

  4. That IP is your private network.. you need to set up dynamic DNS through some service that point to your actual Modem IP address (what your IP provider would ping to verify your active) then use port forwarding on your router to your PC's IP address..
