Thursday, June 20, 2013

I understand the outrage, I really do. I don't approve but I wonder -

I understand the outrage, I really do. I don't approve but I wonder -
I know some avid participants who are "into" S&M and/or B&D. I have been known to wear a blindfold and get tied and spanked on occasion and I wonder -
Is one of those things ok but the other one not? I'm sure both the CDD folks and the BDSM people would both say yes. Those other people are just sickos....
Yeah, I wonder ?

Originally shared by Mark McCausland

"Christian Domestic Discipline." Oh God!


  1. Listen, ted kelly, these people are lost. Their relationships are disfunctional. i believe you agree. There's nothing in the bible about Adam disciplining Eve. In fact, when Mary shows up pregnant out of wedlock Joseph takes on the role of protector by marrying her. That is the attitude of the Christian God toward marriage. Men have the duty to protect their families, and when husband are acting in accordance with the laws of Jesus (always protecting their wives) then wives are safe to trust in their husbands and follow their lead (obedience). I believe strongly that Satan weasels his way into people's hearts, mutilating and deforming the word of God to trick stupid people into doing things like this. That's my 2 cents.

  2. At least they're not Goreans. :P
