Sunday, June 30, 2013

It was the limerick One of her "friends" corrected her choice of words. He felt that the meter was off and that fellow would be better than man...

It was the limerick  One of her "friends" corrected her choice of words. He felt that the meter was off and that fellow would be better than man...
between you and me - I've seen him on her threads before and I don't like him. Some people just don't know how to uncircle/unfriend ???


  1. who is he? i think unfriend very easy to do, why not
    are you on FB too? and Miri?
    i'm there as here, in haiku groups but it not interesting, without the comments

  2. my fb link is on my profile page please do send me a friend request - Miri uses a different name there but I'm certain she would love to be friends.

  3. I just looked for your name - I'm guessing the naked blond girl is not you ?
