Sunday, June 30, 2013

I just received the best present from world renowned poet Miri Dunn and just have to share it...

I just received the best present from world renowned poet Miri Dunn and just have to share it...

There once was a man named ted/ who wanted to rhyme what he said/ the limerick was hard so he chose to discard and opted for haiku instead


  1. and of course since it was on faceboo - the critics are already going at it...

  2. And she (and I) love yours. BTW nice post earlier about regrets. I lost it by the time I was through reading it so I may not have plussed it, sorry. olga belov

  3. thanks! BTW, my son sent me this post, i can not finish my work:)
    never been  without work, playing piano.
    now i'd like be more in SF with my son's family

  4. hahah ted kelly  The ONE PERSON I made that post for on FB was the fellow who corrected the poem. So now I know, at least, he got the message: DO NOT STALK ME ON FB . don;t say anything though!

  5. My lips shall stay sealed/tho really more puckered/promised with a kiss

  6. i'd like to know about  this poem on FB,
