When I was about 11, they came out with "Rat Fink" waterguns. This reminds me of them. This chopper might give you a run for the money: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7gYNb3GSh4M/SLg1V2K71fI/AAAAAAAAFyo/sdBWQUGb3po/s1600-h/1_OCBKG_17014.jpg
When I was about 11, they came out with "Rat Fink" waterguns. This reminds me of them. This chopper might give you a run for the money: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7gYNb3GSh4M/SLg1V2K71fI/AAAAAAAAFyo/sdBWQUGb3po/s1600-h/1_OCBKG_17014.jpg