If you only look at one list of "must have" peeps - this is the best one out there - even if I'm not on it....
Originally shared by Mark Smith
Some of the people that make my G+ experience more fun
Remember, out of 2,000 people I can't mention everyone, so just take this as what it is...My list of some of the people that make it worth logging in everyday...
J Grynd One of the all-in-one streams on G+. This guy posts everything out there and really good person too
J.C. Kendall One of the wiser people I've met on here, you learn a lot from his stream and pick up new ways of thinking daily
Pam Adger Pam's one of those people that is funny, enjoyable to have around, and always coming in with a wisecrack or helpful comment
Liz Quilty One of the most helpful people I've met on G+ since I started, she is a wiz on Linux, Android, and many other tech-related topics as well as health too
Lisa Bimmerz A really intelligent friend who comes up with some great convos on her stream and is just overall a great person to be around
Karen Johnson If you're into politics, and like talking sensibly about it, circle Karen and do yourself a favor, she brings unique takes to the conversations
Bodi Brown If you want a REAL G+ experience with someone that takes you down their daily walk in life, circle Bodi, he's one of the best
Angela Woodson Angela's into music projects, but moreso has a huge heart that shows in her postings, really glad she's around our circles
Daniella Ayala Witty, wisecracking and a sweet person, you can't go wrong circling Daniella
Anderson KA There's people that post a ton of garbage, and then there's people that post those WOW posts, Anderson is the latter. If you like pictures, gifs, and overall entertaining content, circle him, you won't regret it
Morgan ABBOU Probably one of G+'s best-kept secrets. Morgan puts up a lot of thought-provoking posts that we all need time to time
Sandra Dyson One of the nicest computer and tech-related people I've met on Google since joining. We could all learn something from Technogran
MARY Q Mary's one that you can't put into a category unless that category is realy nice people that make you smile
Timothy Hartkorn Great Photo tours and a great person for conversation. Tim is the type that can discuss just about any topic and be respectable about it
Charlene P Charlene's one of those people that's fun to hang out with, great personality and just loves life overall
Millie Harris Millie's always posting up funny material of all sorts daily, and a lot of great music videos and content. One of the sweetest people you'll meet
Mari Thomas Mari's great for everything from tech articles to thought-provoking conversations, to current news events to you name it. To be honest I don't think there's much Mari can't do on her G+ stream. Great person to learn from
Howie Chicago Howie's one of those guys that's helpful, strong in his views, but really funny and enjoyable for conversations and hangouts
miriam dunn A Poet, an Artist, and a whole lot more. I know I personally grew from following her stream and took in things I never considered before in art
Jussta . One of the wisest and real people I've met on here, someone that you could really learn a lot from on many levels
Jesse Stay Another person that you meet and may not have a lot of common ground but the more you get to know them the more you respect them daily
B. E. Berger One of those streams that you read and take away something with you intellectually, something we're missing a lot of in life. A great writer
Krystal Heather A witty and funny person who likes to look at life on the lighter side and remind us not to take life so seriously
Rebecca Harrison Rebecca's one of those people you don't even need a reason, but I'll give you a few, great convos, thoughtful and caring posts, great overall person to be around and get to know
Tiffany Dow Another person that has a heart the size of the Google universe and incredibally intelligent. Tiffany's the type of person you could only dream about having as a neighbor as a friend, just a really warm and caring person overall
Michael Marciano Michael's another really great person to follow for humor, great music, and he's the type of person you feel like you've known him for ages
Ted LeBlond Ted's one that I've learned a lot from the past few months, and very passionate about his technology, if you're a Mac guy especially, circle Ted
Tony Simons Tony's the Droid guy, he's always putting up reviews, news, and everything droid. If you want to hear it from a reliable source, here he is
Muhammad Yunus One of the people that we can all learn something from, a truly wise person working for peace. Something we take for granted often
Wilson Hines My favorite trucker buddy. Wilson's a respectful friend that brings to the table a great conversation and a lot of passion to his views
Tora Stanley Another of my favorites, Sweet and Intellectual, those 2 words describe Tora to a tee
Winter Powell Another of those people that you can't put into one category, because they're just them, just a really nice person that you look forward to talking with on here. Winter's another person that's just plain REAL, she's herself, no act
Julia Abenes Probably the smartest model I've met, she can discuss politics, tech, and still looks great doing it. Shouldn't we all be so lucky?
Ayoub Khote An active and integral part of the G+ community. Ayoub's always helping others, and has the type of stream that you feel like you've known him for ages already. Very intellectual as well
Alvin McClendon II Gotta love having Alvin around, he's one of those types of friends that will pick you up when you're having the lousiest day. A class act too
La Shón P Another of the first and the nicest people I've met so far, someone who comes into the conversation and is just themself and you can be at ease to talk to
That's this installment for this time. Looking through my circles, I haven't even scratched the surface of quality people around me, and I'm thankful to have all of you guys around. Looking at the circles, there's a TON of names missed, and I'm sorry I can't get them all in on one post, but if you're in my circles, thanks for coming along for the ride and bringing a bit of yourself to the G+ recipe
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