Friday, December 30, 2011

In case you prefer motors on your cycles...

In case you prefer motors on your cycles...
Hey Samoa ? I'm just curious. If you wanted to throw a day of the week out, why didn't you pick Monday? (I'll bet I'm not the only one wondering either)

GoDaddy WTF - Fair or Foul? Go Daddy CEO shoots elephant in Africa

GoDaddy WTF - Fair or Foul? Go Daddy CEO shoots elephant in Africa

CEO Bob Parsons is facing lots of backlash even though he had a permit to hunt elephants
I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. Nin

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I thought I saw Morgaine LeFaye in sunny SoFla this morning. It was a photo-mural on the side of a holistic health center though...

I thought I saw Morgaine LeFaye in sunny SoFla this morning. It was a photo-mural on the side of a holistic health center though...

I chickened out before I posted this - but speeding down the busy street I did do a double take.... Too bad there is no way to get paid per click for every time some guy "hits" on your avatar, eh?

For those of you alone for the holidays - and please remember

For those of you alone for the holidays - and please remember
Do try this at home.

Originally shared by Mother Fucker

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I need some advise or perhaps exposure to discussion, because I thought I knew where I stood on a hot-button item. I think we are pretty much all against SOPA, right? I signed petitions and sent e-mail and tried to call a few times even.

I need some advise or perhaps exposure to discussion, because I thought I knew where I stood on a hot-button item. I think we are pretty much all against SOPA, right? I signed petitions and sent e-mail and tried to call a few times even.
I understand that many people that I virtually "know" make their living from a variety of things from music and art to writing and photography. We don't want people stealing their stuff, right ?
I sense a contradiction here. Am I just missing something ?
Hey - what happened to G-. Does anybody know of another way to keep up with un-circlesim ? The app was "globally disabled" according to the Kynetx site. ) -:

We should bring back some of the old traditions.

We should bring back some of the old traditions.

The poor would go to the houses of the rich and demand their best food and drink. If owners failed to comply, their visitors would most likely terrorize them with mischief. Christmas became the time of year when the upper classes could repay their real or imagined "debt" to society by entertaining less fortunate citizens.

Merry You-Know-What. I hope everybody got better surprises this morning.

Merry You-Know-What. I hope everybody got better surprises this morning.

Happy Whatever Floats Your Boats. Enjoy the day/season/feast as you wish.

Happy Whatever Floats Your Boats. Enjoy the day/season/feast as you wish.

Originally shared by TK tawsee

Originally shared by TK tawsee

Love Road

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gee Thanks J.C. Hutchins - How can you Not re-share this gem?

Gee Thanks J.C. Hutchins - How can you Not re-share this gem?

Originally shared by Carter Gibson

He's baaaccckkkk

Happy #santahaturday from Jazz

Happy #santahaturday from Jazz

I hope that DHS and NORAD don't get together and take him out tonight.

I hope that DHS and NORAD don't get together and take him out tonight.

Awesome - thanx Lori

Awesome - thanx Lori

Originally shared by Lori Friedrich

I follow these guys on Twitter, they are fabulous! Here is the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles doing "Hanukkah in Santa Monica"

My favorite Christmas music collection.

My favorite Christmas music collection.

Christmas music always sets the mood...

Christmas music always sets the mood...

Complain all you want about the commercialism, or the religiosity, or the crowds or what have you. At least I haven't seen any all out flame wars regarding the wonderful foods related to the festivities. What is your favorite holiday food? Mine is the Yorkshire pudding...

Complain all you want about the commercialism, or the religiosity, or the crowds or what have you. At least I haven't seen any all out flame wars regarding the wonderful foods related to the festivities. What is your favorite holiday food? Mine is the Yorkshire pudding...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who would have thunk it ?

Who would have thunk it ?

I posted this twice as an animated gif and google "black-boxed" it both public and limited. I have to think it's just that they don't think it's funny - or cute enough...

I posted this twice as an animated gif and google "black-boxed" it both public and limited. I have to think it's just that they don't think it's funny - or cute enough...

Happy Birthday Mithra !

Happy Birthday Mithra !

Each year since 1990, on or near the first day of winter and the longest night of the year, National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB), and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) has co-sponsored National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day to bring attention to the tragedy of homelessness and to remember our homeless friends who have paid the ultimate price for our nation's failure to end homelessness.

Each year since 1990, on or near the first day of winter and the longest night of the year, National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH), National Consumer Advisory Board (NCAB), and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) has co-sponsored National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day to bring attention to the tragedy of homelessness and to remember our homeless friends who have paid the ultimate price for our nation's failure to end homelessness.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The study also finds that marijuana has the inverse effect that alcohol does on drivers. Drivers under the influence of alcohol tend to make rash decisions and risky moves, whereas those under the influence of marijuana tend to slow down, make safer choices, and increase following distance

The study also finds that marijuana has the inverse effect that alcohol does on drivers. Drivers under the influence of alcohol tend to make rash decisions and risky moves, whereas those under the influence of marijuana tend to slow down, make safer choices, and increase following distance

I think it should be required, like helmets and seat belts....

I tried to send this about 8 hours ago but my phone would not cooperate...

I tried to send this about 8 hours ago but my phone would not cooperate...

Originally shared by ted kelly

Acquafortis Acquafortis -I don't know if I can send a private msg from my phone... We shall see... I have had many people who call themselves Atheists tell me lately that the belief in God is the reason why people hurt each other. All wars are because of the stupid people who must stop such foolisness. I have been respectful to them but unafraid to try to explain my beliefs. I was upset with them but have begun to remember that God loves them too. If He loves them, then I should try to do the same. If they attack me or God or His followers I will try to respond with kindness rather than to be defensive. That was the purpose of my msg. today. I want to let them know that even if I don't accept their belief; I can still accept them.
Acquafortis Acquafortis -I don't know if I can send a private msg from my phone... We shall see... I have had many people who call themselves Atheists tell me lately that the belief in God is the reason why people hurt each other. All wars are because of the stupid people who must stop such foolisness. I have been respectful to them but unafraid to try to explain my beliefs. I was upset with them but have begun to remember that God loves them too. If He loves them, then I should try to do the same. If they attack me or God or His followers I will try to respond with kindness rather than to be defensive. That was the purpose of my msg. today. I want to let them know that even if I don't accept their belief; I can still accept them.
I declare a holiday from faith based bickering. Yes I do believe in God. I understand that to many of you; that makes me a "bad" guy. I just want you to know that I don't think you are stupid or wish to stop you from telling me or the world in general just how and why I am. Have at it. I really don't think it will mess up my holiday spirit at all. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays and Peace to all... (even the 1%ers)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hi - I circled you because I saw a bunch of stuff reshared that was all from you. I could use a little positive slant in my stream. I have to run but consider everything +1'd

Hi - and a Ho Ho Ho too..

Hi - and a Ho Ho Ho too..
I'm meeting up with my girlfriend for New Years weekend. Got any suggestions for some poor but fun loving out of towners for the big night. We're staying in Alpharetta I think.
(she's not exactly a supporter but supports my occupideas - also has never been to an action or camp -yet)

Toxic Reverend dug this one up...

Toxic Reverend dug this one up...
Help Wanted Need a job ?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

MSM strikes again ?

MSM strikes again ?

Originally shared by ****

The photo used for TIME Magazine's "Person of the Year" issue. Notice any glaring omissions?

In my opinion - this isn't news to anyone...

In my opinion - this isn't news to anyone...

Originally shared by Occupy Movement

Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by ****

When will people realize that these aren't isolated incidents of a few bad-apple cops, but that every day this is becoming more and more the norm in the US?

I know it's too soon, but what the hell...

I know it's too soon, but what the hell...
Am I the only one who see the irony in the fact that "Hitch" checked out on the very same day that scientists found proof of the "God Particle" ?

For those of you who don't understand the occupy movement and especially for those who see it as a bad thing. I dare you to watch this. If you can take the time to flip off, make nasty comments and belittle the protesters - you can take the time to understand what it is you are objecting to.

For those of you who don't understand the occupy movement and especially for those who see it as a bad thing. I dare you to watch this. If you can take the time to flip off, make nasty comments and belittle the protesters - you can take the time to understand what it is you are objecting to.

For those of you who do agree. Take the time to watch this - she tells you why, right in the video. If you put this on in the background, I think you will end up restarting it - it's really that good.

Originally shared by ****

I hate math - but this is some cool scooby-snax

I hate math - but this is some cool scooby-snax

Originally shared by Gregory Hamel

A bit of cool Math History Geekery for you. (History of Mathematics is fun stuff -- ancient Mathematicians were some seriously clever human beings):

Here's a little video of our first trip to Palm Beach. We hope to go carolling later this week. If anyone cares to rewrite some traditional Christmas Carols for us....

Here's a little video of our first trip to Palm Beach. We hope to go carolling later this week. If anyone cares to rewrite some traditional Christmas Carols for us....
-brief glimpse of me at 1:38

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dixon said the six were being booked and he didn't know the charges they would face.

Dixon said the six were being booked and he didn't know the charges they would face.
So let me see if I understand this. The protesters were arrested for WFSO ? Is that how it works in N.C. Arrest them first and then "We'll Figure Something Out" ?

Originally shared by Adam Haner

Are you just about fed up with the same old same old Christmas music ? Try this for some background music...

Are you just about fed up with the same old same old Christmas music ? Try this for some background music...
I am a participant of OPB - This is not an official g+ page but I will try to keep it updated with OPB info and will post links to the Web-site and facebook pages soon.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I have been in contact with me reps and talking to r/l peeps about the NDAA thing - You guys are tops and consider everything plussed but maybe -

I have been in contact with me reps and talking to r/l peeps about the NDAA thing - You guys are tops and consider everything plussed but maybe -
just maybe - a little break might be in order -
check out this Juke-box, chock full of rare and mostly funky (or bluesy - or jazzy) Christmas music...
courtesy Randy Anthony
Hi Mari Thomas, I thought I had circled you a long time ago. oops... thanks for the add.

220 years ago (tomorrow) the Bill of Rights became a part of the US Constitution. This document doesn't seem to count for much any more. We fought and died and killed for those rights. They must have seemed pretty important back then.

220 years ago (tomorrow) the Bill of Rights became a part of the US Constitution. This document doesn't seem to count for much any more. We fought and died and killed for those rights. They must have seemed pretty important back then.
Our government has been violating those rights for a long time. Every day on the local, state and national level our fellow citizens are imprisoned, tortured and killed. They even pay private companies (a lot of money) to do it.
Maybe you don't quite get it ?
Tonight, or tomorrow, a glorified security guard could just grab you and toss you in the back of a van. Some guy working at the mall today could grab your father or daughter tomorrow and they would just disappear. No warrant, no notice and they wouldn't have to notify anybody.
The Senate and the House have both voted to make this legal. The president said he would veto it but changed positions today. The final vote should happen next week (or sooner).
Are you really going to sit back and let this happen ?

What a day ! Time magazine named me (collectively) "Man of the Year" to start the day. By the time I got home from work, I found that my government has declared war on me. Cest la guerre, non ?

What a day ! Time magazine named me (collectively) "Man of the Year" to start the day. By the time I got home from work, I found that my government has declared war on me. Cest la guerre, non ?

Celebrate the passing of the bill of rights 12-15-1791

Celebrate the passing of the bill of rights 12-15-1791

or mark the "passing" of the bill of rights 2012

(pick one)

There are several good John Prine Christmas songs on this youtube page...

There are several good John Prine Christmas songs on this youtube page...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cowabunga and Noel

Cowabunga and Noel

Have a rad Christmas dude ! (oh and goodnight)

Have a rad Christmas dude ! (oh and goodnight)

I had to share this with you as soon as I saw it.

I had to share this with you as soon as I saw it.

Originally shared by Kevin Staff

Help -

Help -

Originally shared by Jennifer Irving (Jenn)

Hoping to rely on the kindness of others. My transmission is about to go on my car. Does anyone work on cars or knows someone who works on cars who might be able to help me out without costing a blue bloody fortune??

We live in the Washington DC Metro area. Anyone know anyone to help us??

Originally shared by Chris Veerabadran

Originally shared by Chris Veerabadran

Lawrence Lessig talks with Googlers about what are causing the real problems in the US

It is a must see video.

His book Republic Lost is a must-read book also for both parties. It is just not Republicans or it is just not Democrats, it is both.

Via Matt Cutts


Hi - I thought you might find this interesting.

Hi - I thought you might find this interesting.

Originally shared by Michael Sheils (Sp4rkR4t)

Excellent open letter from port truck drivers in the US. #Occupy

Who are you going to believe - the "sound bite people" or the actual workers who sweat, spit and swear...

Who are you going to believe - the "sound bite people" or the actual workers who sweat, spit and swear...

Originally shared by Michael Sheils (Sp4rkR4t)

Excellent open letter from port truck drivers in the US. #Occupy



Sunday, December 11, 2011



I wish a one horse open sleigh would come carry me away

I wish a one horse open sleigh would come carry me away

Originally shared by Ben Glatt

Originally shared by Ben Glatt


My family keeps telling me that I picked the worst time to graduate. I want to prove them wrong. I've always wanted to work at Google, and just recently, they've opened new positions for recent grads.

But instead of submitting the typical resume, I decided that if I wanted to get noticed, I needed to be creative and strategic. So...I built my resume into my Google+ profile with the help of Photoshop and InDesign.

Here's where I need everyone's help...I need as many people to +1 this and share it as possible. In one week, I will take a screenshot of this post, and send it in with my application as an addendum. Hopefully, they'll appreciate what I did, and +1 me with an interview.

Wish me luck, and your +1s and shares are most appreciated!

My apologies to whoever posted this earlier - I just got a chance to watch it and can't find the original post.

My apologies to whoever posted this earlier - I just got a chance to watch it and can't find the original post.

This video was made in response to a recent beauty pageant and the contestants responses regarding evolution. In response, a group of scientists and science writers gathered a dream team of women who work in science to patiently explain what everyone should already know: that evolution is real and should be taught to students in schools.

--------- sigh -----------------

I understand natural selection. This should not be a matter of belief since there is ample evidence for any (yes any) one, to see and touch and understand. This article and video not only fails to prove that evolution is real, it probably will cause those people who don't understand it to be more certain that the theory is wrong. They repeatedly point out that evolution is how people "came to be".

Thems fightin' words, right there. - let's try it a different way.

Evolution explains how and why organisms look and act the way they have in the past as well as today.

Simply saying that evolution is real - even when you are saying it slowly, or seriously or you may be considered attractive is not all that persuasive. A little explanation or illustration might be more informative.

Most people will gladly agree that a modern man is a descendant of his parents, grand parents and great grand parents. Lots of people take pleasure in discovering that some long ago relative was a great warrior, king or other famous person. Most people are also aware that as little as a few hundred years ago most people were shorter than most people are today. I have never (yet) had even one person tell me that this is a result of Gods will.

If scientists would take the "uninformed" gently by the hand and explain that it's just natural that through the process of natural selection, bigger people were better able to beat up littler people. And so their genes got a better chance to carry on (wink wink) that is the simplest explanation of why people on average are taller these days that they used to be.

It's so simple really. Instead of telling people that they are wrong, why not just show them what is right. For example: SHUT UP STUPID. YOUR GOD HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. versus - I really can't speak to your belief in God and would rather keep my personal beliefs to myself, but.... See these bacteria. This antibiotic killed most of those bacteria. These ones over here were genetically just a little bit different and survived. They reproduced and the other ones died and that's why we need to give you a different antibiotic this time, see?

I guess the moral is: If you know more than somebody else it might be better to teach them than to just insult their intelligence. They might just understand things if you give them a chance.

This website presents interviews with over 300 people who live in mountain and highland regions round the world. Their testimonies offer a personal perspective on change and development.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

You are either not being honest with yourself (I hope) or are hiding behind the shield of secular humanism on purpose. When you question your own beliefs and share your questions that is an honorable and honest thing to do. When you insist that others must question their beliefs - Yes, you are trying to exterminate something meaningful to them. I often (quite often) learn things about myself in these online discussions. I make a sincere effort to know the limitations of my knowledge and myself. If you are an honest and honorable person (like say an Atheist is) I hope you will look at your motivation. I love Atheists and respect Antitheists too but I don't care much for hypocrites.
Hi Siamak Manzarpour, thanks - I just noticed a very nice comment you made earlier today.

Mr M saves the day - Merry Caturday everyone !

Mr M saves the day - Merry Caturday everyone !

Originally shared by Marc Mullendore
I am sorry to hear about your dad. Stay with him as much as you can. It may be comforting to him and also later to you. May I mention him or you in my prayers ?

Ok, enough, I get it. He's a dick because he hates gays. But seriously people, he signs death warrants for innocent people too. Can I "not vote" for him on that issue instead of the gay thing ?

Ok, enough, I get it. He's a dick because he hates gays. But seriously people, he signs death warrants for innocent people too. Can I "not vote" for him on that issue instead of the gay thing ?

Ho-ho-ho and junk...

Ho-ho-ho and junk...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

This is my favorite bacon site. None of the really weird bacon OCD stuff here, just real items to fill real bacon needs for real people. You know, bacon shoes, ice cream, jewelery - stuff like that.

This is my favorite bacon site. None of the really weird bacon OCD stuff here, just real items to fill real bacon needs for real people. You know, bacon shoes, ice cream, jewelery - stuff like that.

About Weary Willie Day - Dec 9

About Weary Willie Day - Dec 9
This holiday was named for the character made famous by Emmett Kelly, who was born on this day in 1898. Today is a day to appreciate the art of clowning and the impact that it has had on our lives. Take some time to learn to juggle, or at least wear some really big pants.

hat tip to MJ Lloyd-Reynolds - I think this puts thing into perspective.

hat tip to MJ Lloyd-Reynolds - I think this puts thing into perspective.

Originally shared by William Danger Newman

Look again; no this is not the size of the planets as compared to the sun. Yes, whatever we do, please don't tax the "job creators"... because they're just keeping their heads above water like the rest of us. However in their case, they own the pool and are just out for a relaxing swim. How rude of the rest of us to be making all those drowning noises!

I would be okay with paying a bit more if the 1%ers would too. Since they don't think they should pay then why should we ?

I would be okay with paying a bit more if the 1%ers would too. Since they don't think they should pay then why should we ?

I want to share this with newcomers - especially ones from outside the US. Please go back to the original post if you have comments.

I want to share this with newcomers - especially ones from outside the US. Please go back to the original post if you have comments.

Originally shared by Sarah Rios

The G+ Newbie Guide to Internet Etiquette
(mostly for G+, but can apply anywhere)

Based on a conversation that happened in one of my posts where both of us misunderstood each other (and, unfortunately, I think I was the one that got blocked), I offer you my guide to communicating with people in a non-offensive way. This is etiquette applies to locals and internationals, to newbies and hipsters. Be polite, yo.

Stay On Topic. Pick a post you like and make a comment related to that post. Do not start an entirely new conversation within the comments that isn't related to the original post. This rule is simple courtesy and shouldn't be broken unless you already know the person and are on personal speaking terms.

State Your Intention. This is very important if you are trying to talk to an American and you aren't from a country where the native language is English (or even if you're an American but you are new to the land of the internets). Unfortunately, we Americans are mostly assholes that think everyone is out to scam us out of our money or get in our pants, and it takes very little to make us suspicious. This is not your fault. We're paranoid. To do this successfully without throwing out red flags, follow these steps:

1) Make a new post and put their name in with a + sign.
2) Say "hi." Not hhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiii or heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy or any other greeting that looks like your keyboard is broken. Despite popular opinion, non-Americans are not the only violators of this rule.
3) If foreign: tell that person that you are from another country and you want to make new friends on G+. If you don't speak English very well, mention that you are practicing the language and apologize in advance for any misunderstandings.
4) Make sure you clearly state that you only want to make new friends. If you are looking for a date, sign out of G+ and seek out a dating site. G+ is not a dating site. I cannot emphasize this enough. This applies to all genders speaking to all genders.
5) Tell that person why you circled them and say thanks. Thank you for reading, thank you for being interesting, or just sign your post with a plain "thanks." Everyone likes politeness.
6) Do not ask personal questions. Even something as innocent as "where do you live?" can be taken the wrong way. This is where a lot of cultural misunderstandings happen. If the information is not available in the person's profile, then just assume they don't want you to know. Try to talk about something you liked on their posts or something you might have in common (for instance, if you are both writers, talk about your writing).

Do Not Advertise. Use your own profile for advertisements. Do not post them in other people's comments.

Do Not Arbitrarily Block People. This applies to my American friends that are flag and block crazy. Those of us that have been around on the internet for a while learned our etiquette the hard way and we forgot what it was like to be a newbie. Be more forgiving than normal to these people. If they appear to be spamming your posts give them fair warning before you block. So far I've only tried this twice and it has worked. We know it's not cool to ask for someone to circle you; they don't. Maybe those poor souls came from Facebook and they don't know any better. Tell them so they don't repeat this mistake. Also don't block blue heads just because their profile may be blank. Block them if they do something offensive. Don't block them for testing the waters of G+. I personally know people that haven't filled out profiles, made posts, or even put up a real picture of themselves, and they have no intention of spamming anyone. Lurkers are people, too!

Just remember that not everyone knows or follows the rules of American internet etiquette. (Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?)

Go, my little minions. Go forth and make friends. And be nice to each other.

If you have anything to correct or add to this list let me know. I'm going to perma-link it in my profile.

As I wade through all the garbage that is so popular these days, one question keeps coming back to me. I've been rearranging my circles so I don't have to see all the attacks by people that have offended me, so I might have missed it,but.... If anybody can explain it for me I'd be glad to listen.

As I wade through all the garbage that is so popular these days, one question keeps coming back to me. I've been rearranging my circles so I don't have to see all the attacks by people that have offended me, so I might have missed it,but.... If anybody can explain it for me I'd be glad to listen.

If there is no God, how could He have caused so much misery.

I will not respond negatively to any legitimate attempt to explain. I will remove any personal attacks by anyone else too. People are hesitant to discuss openly in a hostile environment so please keep it civil.*

*Yes - I mean you, my fellow believers. Be nice.
Hi - I just added you because you riled Margaret L up so well. Good job. I don't know for sure though if she is really that nasty/greedy or perhaps might just enjoy pissing people off. I rarely respond to her and keep her in a special circle with other trolls...

I have re-circled you, but have put you in a circle of people who post things I don't want to see everyday. I do think you should be able to speak what you think. I just don't want to see it any more than you want to see hateful things from believers.

I have re-circled you, but have put you in a circle of people who post things I don't want to see everyday. I do think you should be able to speak what you think. I just don't want to see it any more than you want to see hateful things from believers.

I would like to explain my position. I will leave it up to you to decide if you want to hear it though. There is no hate in my position but I do think you are not being honest with yourself about how you feel. Since I think your true thoughts are important to you I will wait to see if you want to hear me or not.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and I look forward to further communications about this or other subjects. For what it's worth, an amusing side story - the love of my life is a "born again" Christian and her friends and family can not yet understand how she can be "involved" with someone named Kelly. I think they would rather she was dating an Atheist that a Catholic.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hi David Kokua, how're you? Thanks for the add. I wasn't trying to blow smoke up your shorts (or whatever the expression is.) Just calling them as I see them. Hey, how do you like the new "say hello feature ?"

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Incredible - this is not your fathers pole dancer...

Incredible - this is not your fathers pole dancer...

Originally shared by Courtney Boyd Myers

Originally shared by Breana Van Den Heuvel

Originally shared by Breana Van Den Heuvel

Attention EVERYONE
This is a Community Call to ACTION to help in the search for Bianca Jones who went missing on December 2, 2011

Please re-share, and spread the word. Someone in your circles may know/have seen something. The official Amber Alert can be viewed if you expand this post.

Help us in the ongoing search for Bianca.
WHEN: Monday December 5, 2011
TIME: (Exact time to be released, I'm personally recommending Noon. Will update accordingly.)
WHERE: St. Regis Hotel on W. Grand Blvd, Detroit Michigan.

If you have any questions please contact Robert Lewis Robinson at 313- 574-4757 or contact Ife Johari at 313-744-2944

The official facebook event can be found at the following link:

12/2/2011: An AMBER ALERT has been issued for Bianca Jones (age 2) after her father told police his vehicle was carjacked at gunpoint this morning in Detroit with his daughter inside. The car has been recovered but their is no sign of Bianca.

The suspect is described as a six foot one hundred and ninety pound black male wearing a baseball cap with some facial hair and medium skin tone. He's believed to between twenty-five to thirty years old.

If you have any information on this case you're asked to call Detroit Police Department at 313-596-2170, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAKUP, or 911 if you think you see Bianca or know where she is.

Case Type: Non Family Abduction
DOB: Nov 26, 2009
Sex: Female
Missing Date: Dec 2, 2011
Race: Black
Age Now: 2
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 2'5" (74 cm)
Weight: 25 lbs (11 kg)
Missing City: DETROIT
Missing State : MI
Missing Country: United States

Circumstances: Bianca was last seen on December 2, 2011. She was last seen wearing a pink shirt, pink tights, and a purple jacket. Her hair was braided.


Please re-share, and spread the word. Someone in your circles may know/have seen something.
That you sir - it seems you are a gentleman. It's an honor to meet another one.
would you like me to remove my "charity" comment - I mean no harm - just feeling "funny" this morning
Bravo !!! I loved "Change" Beyond that, words fail me....



Hey you G+eniuses - How about an app... A filter for our "problem" circles. Say take out 9 out of 10 gif's. A filter for people we don't want to actually lose, but just cut down some of the volume of "less desirable" content.

Via Marcus Smith We are all dying. If you remember that one thing - just that one thing, you may be able to also start living every day too.

Via Marcus Smith We are all dying. If you remember that one thing - just that one thing, you may be able to also start living every day too.

Originally shared by John Baker

Shared on FB By +Michael Ricks.

The best thing you will see today, I promise.

The best thing you will see today, I promise.

Originally shared by mel peifer

AMAZING!! i just saw this in the g+ film festival.

i cried. this is incredible!

Unofficial Google+ Film Festival

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I would love to find/buy a copy of this song. It's called

I would love to find/buy a copy of this song. It's called
"I Want a CoCo Beach Christmas"
If anybody can find one, please let me know. I had to hold my laptop over a jukebox and buy a round for the bar so everybody would STFU.

I would love to find/buy a copy of this song. It's called

I would love to find/buy a copy of this song. It's called
"I Want a CoCo Beach Christmas"
If anybody can find one, please let me know. I had to hold my laptop over a jukebox and buy a round for the bar so everybody would STFU.

(if this link doesn't work -let me know and I'll link to it some other way, please)

Via Mike Coleman

Via Mike Coleman
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Our legislators have decided that it is our best interests to allow the police or other authorities to detain ANY of us without ANY warrant or reasonable cause for ANY length of time. Oh, and by ANY of us I specifically mean YOU .So, if you are a liberal, sign this - it's your turn to speak up.
If you are a conservative - sign this, because - you know that if you don't - Obama's going to come after you and just make you disappear, right ?

Originally shared by David Kokua

PLEASE sign!

I didn't sign up for the Secret Santa, but if anybody just has to.... Here is an excerpt form the Amazon Kindle review...

I didn't sign up for the Secret Santa, but if anybody just has to.... Here is an excerpt form the Amazon Kindle review...

As True Christians we are suspect to anything with the word Fire in it. Amazon likes to use Luciferian terminology in describing their popular products. Much like Apple Inc mocks the story of Adam and Eve by implying it is ‘okay’ to take a bite out of the Apple because it gives you knowledge.

Ode to Spot

Ode to Spot

Felix Catus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?
Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses
contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
a singular development of cat communications
that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,
it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display
connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

By Commander Data - United Federation of Planets

Happy Caturday
Hi - I looked at your profile after seeing a reshare of the Reasons Greetings card. When I noticed Ila East as the 1st person on our peeps in common thing I decided to add you. I don't always send a note, but "Question everything" - it seemed appropriate...

thanks - yep - need more coffee I guess

thanks - yep - need more coffee I guess
I just barely remembered to send this private- lol

I just got circled by Scott Moyer - He seems like a very militant type Atheist and I sent him a note about mutual respect issues before circling back. I'm so glad I did because I'd never have seen this card otherwise. Happy whatever to all the plussers in my Atheist interest circle.

I just got circled by Scott Moyer - He seems like a very militant type Atheist and I sent him a note about mutual respect issues before circling back. I'm so glad I did because I'd never have seen this card otherwise. Happy whatever to all the plussers in my Atheist interest circle.

Originally shared by Denise Malia

Thursday, December 1, 2011
World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



I'm always a sucker for a lottery...

I'm always a sucker for a lottery...

Originally shared by Dunken K Bliths

LOTTERY TIME - to celebrate reaching 8000 followers...
Share this post "PUBLIC" and I will choose someone from the Ripples view tomorrow and create a cool animated profile for them.....

I need to see at least 50+ shares by tomorrow morning...

Just re-share "PUBLIC" it to put yourself in the "lottery"....

So - do y'all remember that vote in the senate I've been trying to get you ALL to contact your senators about ? The one that allows the government to hold you indefinitely and without charges. Well here is a list of 61 of our senators who think it's okay to put YOU in prison without any warrant, or charges for as long as they like. They had the vote today.

So - do y'all remember that vote in the senate I've been trying to get you ALL to contact your senators about ? The one that allows the government to hold you indefinitely and without charges. Well here is a list of 61 of our senators who think it's okay to put YOU in prison without any warrant, or charges for as long as they like. They had the vote today.

I just had to share this....

I just had to share this....

Free !

Free !

Originally shared by Alister Macintyre

TextOccupy is a free text messaging platform designed for the Occupy movement.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by ****

Just in case you are interested

Originally shared by Thomas Gokey

Originally shared by Thomas Gokey

PLEASE SHARE I was arrested on #Nov17 at Pine St. and William St. as a part of #OWS. If anyone has an video or photos of my arrest please share them with me. The police took my backpack and camera off of my body and just left them in the street (that's not what they're supposed to do, they didn't follow procedure) and I'm trying to get them back. I was wearing a grey hat, a light tan collared shirt, navy blue pants, and had a cardboard sign around my neck that read "I am the 99%." It's a green and black backpack, and a small black camera case. Thank you all! Again, PLEASE SHARE #N17 #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyWallSt #William #Pine #November17

Forget something ?

Forget something ?

Originally shared by Dori Easter


Sunday, November 27, 2011

This just in....

This just in....

Originally shared by ****

Nuff' Said...

I wasn't sure if you meant me or Brad S..

I wasn't sure if you meant me or Brad S..
He was posting a sarcastic play on an old quote by Theodosious whatever his name was. I believe he was taking a quote from a religious minded biologist and turning it into a humorous but atheistic quote about astronomy.
I was pulling his leg and recognizing his play on words - unless he was just trying to rile up some religious types on a Sunday, in which case I was using textual judo on him to rile him up....
In either case - it was all in good fun and I'm sure no offense was meant by either of us...

Bodi Brown

Bodi Brown

Originally shared by G.K. Nelson

OccupyPhiladelphia is preparing for eviction. You can follow events on Livestream.

STOP - read this - NOW - it's important !

STOP - read this - NOW - it's important !

Originally shared by Amy McLeod

Some people think I've being needlessly dramatic when I've said that America is on the verge of becoming a fascist police state.

For those people, and for others Interested in not going further down that Orwellian road, there's an interesting bill coming up in the Senate next week.

1031 and 1032 in S.1253, the National Defense Authorization Act.

If enacted, sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA would:

1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defence core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield”

What a charming phrase. and since when did America become the fucking homeland, homeland this and homeland that, it's not the fucking homeland, it's America, the "Homeland" is a name that could be directly transplanted into 1984 without a pause. Rule of thumb, everyone who talks about the homeland is a fascist in waiting.

If you want to attempt to do something about this bill, then you can try , maybe someone will give a shit.

As for me, a friend gave me Civilisation 3 and I've been playing that the last week or so, some ways to change the world are easier than others unfortunately.

Good luck America.

Originally shared by Wil Wheaton

Originally shared by Wil Wheaton

Best tree topper, or best tree topper EVER?

A turning point is coming...

A turning point is coming...

Originally shared by Acquafortis Astrology

I lighted my first candle. Who is joining in?

I did a double-take. Is this guy channeling you or quoting you ? It must be a "J.C." thing, huh ?

I did a double-take. Is this guy channeling you or quoting you ? It must be a "J.C." thing, huh ?

Originally shared by ****

Life's most important lesson, I learned from my cat: "When in doubt, disembowel it."

It's a trick ! - Don't watch this.

It's a trick ! - Don't watch this.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

You are a light shining in the darkness, that's why. You and J.C. are like the balance scales. People want to be as exciting and as tough as him yet realize (or think) that your peacefulness is the sign of true strength and your calm optimism soothes their troubles. (IMHO)

You are a light shining in the darkness, that's why. You and J.C. are like the balance scales. People want to be as exciting and as tough as him yet realize (or think) that your peacefulness is the sign of true strength and your calm optimism soothes their troubles. (IMHO)
Er- um - I mean - So what's up?
Hey - I have a very eclectic bunch - are you looking for variety- like minded - art/prose/poetry/science/humor/music/nice peeps/sarcastic/meanies/philosophers/ethnic/urban/food/political/(right,left,mod,prog,lib etc) -(whew) or what ?
What is your first response when you get uncircled ? Mine is usually "Why?" Sometimes "No!" and lately it seems "Who ???"

Actually my girlfriends cat is tougher than me.... (I have the scars to prove it)

Actually my girlfriends cat is tougher than me.... (I have the scars to prove it)

Cat people - you might find some of the "cat facts" disturbing. (I did) But there are some cool ones for example...

Cat people - you might find some of the "cat facts" disturbing. (I did) But there are some cool ones for example...
6. A group of cats is called a “clowder."

I too do not intend any support for Mr Paul. I strongly oppose most of his politics. I do respect his views on this subject and believe he has good intentions. (Good intentions scare me very much)

I too do not intend any support for Mr Paul. I strongly oppose most of his politics. I do respect his views on this subject and believe he has good intentions. (Good intentions scare me very much)

Originally shared by Gianmario Scotti

STRONG LANGUAGE in this post

Hey Mitt Romney,

when someone behaves the way you did, towards a person in a wheelchair, I cannot but comment his/her action with "Fuck you!".
Therefore, I hereby present you with the rarely awarded "Fuck you Mitt Romney"-prize.

This post is not intended as an endorsement of Ron Paul.

What's wrong with this picture ? This article might be a bit "dry" for some tastes, but trust me. You can read it in two minutes or scan it in thirty seconds. There is a good link to an animated illustration of moon phases too.

What's wrong with this picture ? This article might be a bit "dry" for some tastes, but trust me. You can read it in two minutes or scan it in thirty seconds. There is a good link to an animated illustration of moon phases too. <-------- phases animation

Friday, November 25, 2011

With Thanksgiving, educators have a great opportunity to frame ethical and multicultural issues associated with historical events, as well as highlight positive character traits of thankfulness, kindness and appreciation,” Celine Provini, an editor at Education World, told the Journal Times in a recent article. “As long as (teachers) go beyond the stereotypical treatment of the holiday, and consider the age-appropriateness of the violent history associated with the holiday, students will benefit greatly.

With Thanksgiving, educators have a great opportunity to frame ethical and multicultural issues associated with historical events, as well as highlight positive character traits of thankfulness, kindness and appreciation,” Celine Provini, an editor at Education World, told the Journal Times in a recent article. “As long as (teachers) go beyond the stereotypical treatment of the holiday, and consider the age-appropriateness of the violent history associated with the holiday, students will benefit greatly.

Read more:

*Happy Sinkie Day *

*Happy Sinkie Day *

Events around the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women are coordinated by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

Events around the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women are coordinated by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

By listening closely to one another, we can help illuminate the true character of this nation reminding us all just how precious each day can be and how great it is to be alive.

By listening closely to one another, we can help illuminate the true character of this nation reminding us all just how precious each day can be and how great it is to be alive.
Dave Isay | Founder & President, StoryCorps

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I am going to sign off now. It was nice to meet you. We must speak again soon.

Originally shared by Alister Macintyre

Originally shared by Alister Macintyre

Homeland Security military intelligence report on #Occupy #Pittsburgh
I am so tired of fighting the stream. I waste so much time trying to find the part I was just reading. Has G+ given up on trying to settle the screen jump or did I miss an extension somewhere ?

If you believe in the constitution you must contact your senators regarding your rights under the 4th. amendment. This is not an occupy issue - it's about YOUR rights.

If you believe in the constitution you must contact your senators regarding your rights under the 4th. amendment. This is not an occupy issue - it's about YOUR rights.
btw- One of my senators has replied already to me. Less that an hour after I signed and sent this in...
I'd like to give thanks to the delightful group of people who come through my neighborhood and distribute hot Thanksgiving meals to all of the seniors, people who are alone and the poor. Actually, they give the meals to everybody and ask you to pass it on if you don't need it yourself. I guess religious people can do good things too. Strangest part - they didn't give out any flyers or try to get me to join anything.
Do any of our photographers have any thoughts or experience with shooting auras ?

Happy International Aura Awareness Day

Happy International Aura Awareness Day
Auras are not just bright and colorful -- they are also our assurance of good physical, emotional, and psychological health. Recent medical studies have shown that distant healing plays a significant role in people's health, even when they have a life-threatening disease like AIDS, or are undergoing medical treatment for heart disease. Clearly, humans are able to influence each others' health long-distance through prayer.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Read this please - tk

Read this please - tk

Originally shared by David Kokua

Please help! I am afraid for my...
This, to me, almost makes OCCUPY worthless if the word and action does not get out and get out quickly!
We need to take action ASAP
PLEASE share this and bring it to the attention of all OCCUPY, #Anonymous and anyone and everyone who probably have a larger reach than I do!
PLEASE Get this out there ASAP!

Why should you read this ? Because you just can't figure out why they are out there. What's the point ?

Why should you read this ? Because you just can't figure out why they are out there. What's the point ?

Why should you read this ? Because you hate what the occupy movement is doing to this country. Because you can easily pick apart this post and set the record straight for once and for all. Because if you don't - the 99%ers will win. That's why you have to read this one item.

Why should you read this ? Because you hate what the occupy movement is doing to this country. Because you can easily pick apart this post and set the record straight for once and for all. Because if you don't - the 99%ers will win. That's why you have to read this one item.

Happy Fibonacci Day. It is on November 23 because the first numbers of the Fibonacci Series are 1, 1, 2, 3.

Happy Fibonacci Day. It is on November 23 because the first numbers of the Fibonacci Series are 1, 1, 2, 3.

National Tie One On Day™- an annual opportunity to return the “give” to Thanksgiving by sharing our good fortune with someone in need of a kind gesture.

National Tie One On Day™- an annual opportunity to return the “give” to Thanksgiving by sharing our good fortune with someone in need of a kind gesture.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Originally shared by Michael Marciano

Originally shared by Michael Marciano

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

Where English comes from.

I'm thinking about visiting this place. Anyone have experience with Oneness ?

I'm thinking about visiting this place. Anyone have experience with Oneness ?

A handful of people can change the world. A group of people concerned with animal welfare founded the Humane Society on Nov. 22, 1954. The group advocates on all animals behalf of pets to "reduce suffering and improve their lives" by advocating for better laws, providing animal rescue and caring for animals in sanctuaries and emergency shelters according to the Humane Society.

A handful of people can change the world. A group of people concerned with animal welfare founded the Humane Society on Nov. 22, 1954. The group advocates on all animals behalf of pets to "reduce suffering and improve their lives" by advocating for better laws, providing animal rescue and caring for animals in sanctuaries and emergency shelters according to the Humane Society.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Good evening

Good evening
I just received a notice that you removed me from your circles. I haven't been on G+ much lately but I hope I didn't offend you or anything. I'd like to keep you in my circles if that's ok. I'll still see your extended circle posts anyway.
If I did upset you somehow, I'd like a chance to explain or apologize. Otherwise if you want me to just let me know and I'll remove you back. (please don't)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Originally shared by Lisa I. Smith

Originally shared by Lisa I. Smith

Occupy Wall Street activists vow protests will persist. Yesterday New York City police in riot gear evicted hundreds and razed the city of tents where some in the group had been living for close to two months. The Occupy Wall Street movement seeks to highlight income inequality and has inspired hundreds of similar protests around the country and the world. Most have been small and some have been marred by violence, but participants claim, despite evictions in New York and elsewhere, it’s an idea that will continue to gather momentum: Join us for a conversation on what the Occupy movement has accomplished and its future.

Jim Tankersley reporter, National Journal
Michael Premo participant, Occupy Wall Street
Legba Carrefour participant, Occupy DC
Lawrence Lessig professor of law at Harvard Law School and director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University author of “Republic,Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress — and a Plan to Stop It”
Tyler Cowen general director, Mercatus Center professor of economics, George Mason University.

Good Morning - TGIF

Good Morning - TGIF

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oh right..

Oh right..

I have no idea who made this or where it is. It showed up on my fb feed and when I followed it back to the "fun" page there was no attribution. If anyone recognizes it or is offended, just let me know...

I have no idea who made this or where it is. It showed up on my fb feed and when I followed it back to the "fun" page there was no attribution. If anyone recognizes it or is offended, just let me know...

Aha - I found the earlier one.

Aha - I found the earlier one.

Originally shared by Peter Smalley

You know what I'm tired of? Videos of US citizens with pepper spray dripping off their faces, screaming and clawing at their eyes in agony, while publicly-funded police in riot gear club these traitors civilians into submission.

I kinda hope you're tired of that too. If you are, go check out this link. It shows how to make a very simple face shield out of nothing more than a two liter bottle of soda, scissors, and a shoelace. It won't help much against tear gas, but I'll have some DIY help with that problem shortly.

In the mean time, go drink some soda. For America.


I'm going to make one tonight...

I'm going to make one tonight...

Originally shared by Peter Smalley

You know what I'm tired of? Just when a perfectly good protest is really starting to heat up, some joker in riot gear fires off a few canisters of tear gas - and it ruins the visibility. How can the revolution be televised if we are constantly forced to squint through the fog of ignorance war? And of course, it's awfully hard on the eyes, nose and lungs of the dirty peacenik hippies protesters.

I hope you're tired of this as well. The solution? Cheap, do-it-yourself gas masks! If everyone has a gas mask, only criminals will use tear gas, amiright? There are some great instructions linked below - or, if you followed my instructions on how to make a face shield out of a two liter pop bottle, you can now re-use the top of the bottle as follows:

1. With the lid still screwed on, stuff a few cotton balls into the narrow neck of the 2L pop bottle. It should look like a funnel.
2. Place 4-6 charcoal briquettes into a small sock. Tie off the open end of the sock.
3. Crush the briquettes inside the sock with a hammer, rock, shoe, or a handy copy of the Bill of Rights.
4. Jam the charcoal-filled sock on top of the cotton balls.
5. With a nail, punch two holes on opposite sides of the funnel-shaped pop bottle top.
6. Thread a shoelace through the holes and tie a knot on one end to keep it in place.
7. When attacked by tear gas, wet the contents of the funnel with water, unscrew the lid, and place over mouth and nose. The better it seals, the more protection it gives. Pull the shoelace tight to make a comfortable fit.
8. Defend liberty with clear eyes, nose, lungs and heart.


Thanks to MJ Lloyd-Reynolds for sharing this. The young people in Zuccotti Park and more than 1,000 cities have started America on a path to renewal. The movement, still in its first days, will have to expand in several strategic ways.

Thanks to MJ Lloyd-Reynolds for sharing this. The young people in Zuccotti Park and more than 1,000 cities have started America on a path to renewal. The movement, still in its first days, will have to expand in several strategic ways.

Originally shared by ThinkZone

By JEFFREY D. SACHS - "Twice before in American history, powerful corporate interests dominated Washington and brought America to a state of unacceptable inequality, instability and corruption. Both times a social and political movement arose to restore democracy and shared prosperity. The first age of inequality was the Gilded Age at the end of the 19th century, an era quite like today, when both political parties served the interests of the corporate robber barons [..] The second gilded age was the Roaring Twenties [..] F.D.R.’s New Deal marked the start of several decades of reduced income inequality, strong trade unions, steep top tax rates and strict financial regulation. After 1981, Reagan began to dismantle each of these core features of the New Deal. Following our recent financial calamity, a third progressive era is likely to be in the making. "

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zuccotti Park, the site of the first Occupy Wall Street camp, reopened Tuesday evening, minutes after a New York state court handed the city a victory in its effort to limit the type of protest that could be held.

I Recycle. Do You? November 15 is America Recycles Day!

I Recycle. Do You? November 15 is America Recycles Day!

"George Spelvin" is a name used in American stage and theatre to conceal the fact that an actor is performing in more than one role. 15th November is known as "George Spelvin Day", and is believed to be the anniversary of George Spelvin's theatrical birth in Charles A. Gardiner's play, "Karl the Peddler".

"George Spelvin" is a name used in American stage and theatre to conceal the fact that an actor is performing in more than one role. 15th November is known as "George Spelvin Day", and is believed to be the anniversary of George Spelvin's theatrical birth in Charles A. Gardiner's play, "Karl the Peddler".

Originally shared by Gabriel Vasile

Originally shared by Gabriel Vasile


Ok, so this is the second version of Understanding Google+ and it should be very useful for all the newbies. I would've also added: "Want to see influencers and statistics? -> View Ripples", but there's no more space for that.

Feel free to share it to help everyone and give me some feedback on the original post:

Background source: by Gahan Raj
Other useful posts: #gvgpUseful

Manatee season starts this week (Canadians too, they're the ones on the beach - and pink)

Manatee season starts this week (Canadians too, they're the ones on the beach - and pink)

The migration season officially begins Tuesday and runs through March 31, the period during which watercraft speed restrictions take effect on canals, rivers and the Intracoastal Waterway.
The manatees, unaware of these dates, will arrive gradually over November and December as temperatures drop in their summer habitats of northern Florida and Georgia

Monday, November 14, 2011

An oldie but a goodie...

An oldie but a goodie...

Originally shared by Kevin Staff

Originally shared by Kevin Staff

Steampunk iPhone via coppersmithdesign

Don't forget that tomorrow is : I Love to Write Day !

Don't forget that tomorrow is : I Love to Write Day !

btw - I did not specify any indvidual to notify but posted Public and added one of my favorite circles just as an experiment...

I'm in a long distance relationship. We met up in Atlanta this weekend after like forever. (5-6 weeks) The first morning we woke up still holding each other really tight. We were so close for so long we were actually stuck to each other. It WAS funny - but I keep telling her it was a "sign"

I'm in a long distance relationship. We met up in Atlanta this weekend after like forever. (5-6 weeks) The first morning we woke up still holding each other really tight. We were so close for so long we were actually stuck to each other. It WAS funny - but I keep telling her it was a "sign"
Sorry if this is TMI - it really was funny though....


Sex is great foreplay. It leads up to the holdingkissingsnugglingsquezing part....

Try it - you might like it...

Try it - you might like it...