Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Aha - I found the earlier one.

Aha - I found the earlier one.

Originally shared by Peter Smalley

You know what I'm tired of? Videos of US citizens with pepper spray dripping off their faces, screaming and clawing at their eyes in agony, while publicly-funded police in riot gear club these traitors civilians into submission.

I kinda hope you're tired of that too. If you are, go check out this link. It shows how to make a very simple face shield out of nothing more than a two liter bottle of soda, scissors, and a shoelace. It won't help much against tear gas, but I'll have some DIY help with that problem shortly.

In the mean time, go drink some soda. For America.


1 comment:

  1. To subset the effects of tear gas, there is a mixture of antacid in a spray bottle that can be used. More here:
