Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy International Aura Awareness Day

Happy International Aura Awareness Day
Auras are not just bright and colorful -- they are also our assurance of good physical, emotional, and psychological health. Recent medical studies have shown that distant healing plays a significant role in people's health, even when they have a life-threatening disease like AIDS, or are undergoing medical treatment for heart disease. Clearly, humans are able to influence each others' health long-distance through prayer.


  1. What is required to be able to see auras?

  2. "November 26, 2011 will mark the tenth annual International Aura Awareness Day." o_0

  3. Except that none of the sentences in this post are true...

  4. Nothing special, just a willingness to open ones eyes and (sort of) look at things differently. Here is a link to a site that claims to help teach the ability.
    or here is a short video
    How to see auras
    there are more videos on that youtube page too..

  5. woops - I should wake up before posting Kieran Kearney and Jennifer Parpatt, what do you mean ? Btw - just a light hearted "fun" post - but isn't it funny how often the silliest things turn into the best threads?

  6. Just pointing out that the article you linked to says that Saturday is the day.

  7. Thanks for the links.
    If my eyes can see it a camera could to.
    If it is all in my head, are you aware of any peer reviewed experiments indicating that everyone see the same auras?

    Do you agree/disagree? Did I miss something?

  8. I am open minded about many things. Here is an article that flatly states the field to be total rubbish. I find it humorish (pun intended) that this piece begins with the "fact" that there is absolutely nothing to back up the idea and then states, "The human body does, in fact, give off certain radiations" .

  9. The human body does flouresce, like just about everything else on the planet, but it isn't anywhere near what you can see (or photograph) and it certainly doesn't have any mystical implications. Double blinded peer reviewed studies have proven that prayer does not work (though if a person thinks they're being prayed for they might actually recover more slowly).

    Edited to add: covered the topic of aurus here:

  10. There are many things that we don't understand. Also there are may things that we are still discovering and refining our understanding of. I don't realistically expect anyone to "believe" anything that can't be proven. I do think however that when we stop questioning things and expanding our understanding - we stagnate and after all - Free-thinking does not imply closed-minded.

  11. There is a difference between open-mindedness, and entertaining ideas that actually go against the scientific consensus. I am not close minded about this issue; I am open to the idea that one day science might prove that auras do exist and do mean something, or that prayers work. But so far, that isn't what the evidence shows.

  12. My bad - I misunderstood. I was thinking about the FTL Nutrinos and entanglement and old studies showing that thinking happy thoughts made you heal faster - all simply preposterous ideas. And yet ???
    So please accept my apology.

  13. I'm very interested to hear the final verdict on the neutrinos. They're slowly ruling out possible causes of errors in measurement; I'm sure it'll boil down to something mundane but if perchance the readings are correct, it'll be big news.
