Friday, September 25, 2015

Well,it seems that the 2016 uncircling season has officially begun.

Well,it seems that the 2016 uncircling season has officially begun. 

It's funny how my tolerance for folks who I have major fundamental differences with grows at about the same rate as my lack of patience with peeps who I feels a strong affinity for shrinks. I think I need to get a dog.


  1. It is weird ain't it ted kelly Dogs are good real life companions.  But so are some of the folks here....even though I have met few in person....Ya gotta do what you gotta do.

  2. It's just the moon. Yeah, that's probably it. Owooooooo....

  3. I don't want to be dumped either!  I thought you had a dog already!

  4. Sadly no, the boss won't let me have one. 
    I'm not a big fan of dropping people. I'd rather just turn down the volume for a while. Today though one of my old Occupier types spent half the day posting anti-pope memes. I wouldn't usually mind but I thought that over three dozen of them was a little over the top.

  5. Oh it was worse than that Oscar. It was one of them over and over. Apparently His Holiness said something to the effect that drug abuse was a bad thing. 
    I'm over it now though. I just sparked up a fattie and chilled out.

  6. ted kelly And that's a good natural thing.  Sometimes we just have to "ROLL IT"  I mean with it...either one can work.  LOL.

  7. If your boss won't let you have one, go digital.
