Friday, September 25, 2015

Thanks to Sheila B. DuBois

Thanks to Sheila B. DuBois 
Please copy and paste this to your status if you're constantly being asked to copy and paste things to your status by friends who copy and paste things to their statuses. Most of them don't even read all the way to the bottom of the status, because they are too busy browsing and copying and pasting the next status that comes along and trying to convince their friends to copy and paste THAT one, and so on. So I know that many people won't copy and paste this, but my truly insane friends will copy and paste it because they're insane by nature. If you don't copy and paste it, then this means you hate bacon. And if you hate bacon, Obama and the terrorists win.


  1. I feel like I'm back on FaceBook. Thanks a lot ted kelly LOL

  2. Kelly Coyle he got this from a share I did on FB cause I refused to copy and paste!

  3. Who, me ? On faceboo ? No !  That's my evil twin. The (Not) Right Reverend Theo. I'm the good twin.

  4. i guess that's your story and your sticking to it. Hahahaha

  5. Kelly he is on steroids of caring.  Caring is sharing

  6. Really caring is sharing ~ your bacon...
