Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Please sign and share.

Please sign and share.

I am pretty fond of a good cuppa coffee whist I look at my plustographic friends posts...

I am pretty fond of a good cuppa coffee whist I look at my plustographic friends posts...
Here's a thought. If you get to force a welfare recipient to take a drug test based on the premise that your choice to take a job that requires one, gives you that right, then why don't you just keep it simple and choose not to pay your taxes, instead of forcing the consequences of your choices on other people ?  That way only you get to fully appreciate the results of the choices that you make for yourself.

What is the most, best and finest of all the good things in my life ?

What is the most, best and finest of all the good things in my life ?


Weekly Photo Project 2015 curated by Alen Ianni , Bernhard Rembold , Cliff Loresco , Francesco Scaglioni , Heather D ,  Ken Fowkes ,  Navin Upendran  , Robyn King and T.E. Smith
#transporttuesday  too !

Monday, September 28, 2015

Radiator Cap

Radiator Cap

I found another circle for #circleshapesmonday Circle Shapes Monday ☀ Because "All My Life's a Circle"

I found another circle for #circleshapesmonday  Circle Shapes Monday ☀ Because "All My Life's a Circle"

I found a circle for #CircleShapesMonday

I found a circle for #CircleShapesMonday 
Curated by Circle Shapes Monday ☀

I don't usually post things from the dailykos. It's usually just totally one sided and opinion driven and promotes divisiveness and there is just way too much of that stuff going around. But I do like to look there and at the other side too. I think it's good to be exposed to all sides of things and yes. I do try too watch Fox and listen to Rush and those things too.

I don't usually post things  from the dailykos. It's usually just totally one sided and opinion driven and promotes divisiveness and there is just way too much of that stuff going around. But I do like to look there and at the other side too. I think it's good to be exposed to all sides of things and yes. I do try too watch Fox and listen to Rush and those things too. 
Here is a good example of why I do that.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

A recent "time" shot that I rather liked.

A recent "time" shot that I rather liked.

Well,it seems that the 2016 uncircling season has officially begun.

Well,it seems that the 2016 uncircling season has officially begun. 

It's funny how my tolerance for folks who I have major fundamental differences with grows at about the same rate as my lack of patience with peeps who I feels a strong affinity for shrinks. I think I need to get a dog.

Thanks to Sheila B. DuBois

Thanks to Sheila B. DuBois 
Please copy and paste this to your status if you're constantly being asked to copy and paste things to your status by friends who copy and paste things to their statuses. Most of them don't even read all the way to the bottom of the status, because they are too busy browsing and copying and pasting the next status that comes along and trying to convince their friends to copy and paste THAT one, and so on. So I know that many people won't copy and paste this, but my truly insane friends will copy and paste it because they're insane by nature. If you don't copy and paste it, then this means you hate bacon. And if you hate bacon, Obama and the terrorists win.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Originally shared by Jamie Rich

Originally shared by Jamie Rich

Your attention please... we have a Special Mini Challenge announcement! On the evening of Tuesday 27 September, there will be a rare celestial event. This is the Harvest Super Total Lunar Eclipse!! The moon will be at it's closest orbit, and full, and orange, and in a Total Eclipse then! This has only happened 5 times since 1900, and the next time will be in 2033.
So, get out and get some Moon shots! Take some photos of this wonderful display of celestial awesomeness and post here!


Weekly Photo Project 2015 curated by Alen Ianni , Bernhard Rembold , Cliff Loresco , Francesco Scaglioni , Heather D , Ken Fowkes , Navin Upendran , Robyn King and T.E. Smith
Taken in the same exact place as the first photo in the album.

With "regular" cameras you have to get the light just right and use the right apps or software to get a good SketchItSaturday shot. Of course you have to be a "regular" kind of photographer too...

With "regular" cameras you have to get the light just right and use the right apps or software to get a good SketchItSaturday shot. Of course you have to be a "regular" kind of photographer too...
I just grab my SjetchItCamera (shown with optional MacroSketch Adapter) and wait for things to just smell (or sometimes) taste just right...

I have met Ryan Ray IRL and will vouch for him 100%.

I have met Ryan Ray IRL and will vouch for him 100%.
So if you are near his route you should most def. click on this link
and host him for a night.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sorry that I've been AWOL for a while. Be prepared for some plus bombing to commence momentarily...

Sorry that I've been AWOL for a while. Be prepared for some plus bombing to commence momentarily...

I regret that I have but one vote to cast against these sad excuses for public servants. Please take a look and see if there is anybody here that you can help throw out of office asap.

I regret that I have but one vote to cast against these sad excuses for public servants. Please take a look and see if there is anybody here that you can help throw out of office asap.

A phenomenal picture from a great photographer. Feel this before you read the bit of background in the header.

A phenomenal picture from a great photographer. Feel this before you read the bit of background in the header. 

Originally shared by Peter Jarvis

#wpc2015  #smileyou'reoncandidcamera
Big Issue Seller Norwich.
This week's challenge was quite hard for me to complete. As I work alone all day on farms  and live in the middle of nowhere I can go all week without seeing anyone apart from my family.
However I managed to quickly travel into Norwich this morning to take this picture of a Big Issue Seller on his fag break.
I don't know if other areas have "the Big Issue", which is a magazine that homeless or down on their luck people in Norwich are given to sell and they can keep the profits to help them survive.
This gentleman is having a cigarette while talking to one of his colleagues.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



Happy #grateartwednesday Grate Art Wednesday Gary Posner David Washington !

Happy  #grateartwednesday  Grate Art Wednesday Gary Posner David Washington !
Remember - you never have to be down in the dumps. Just take the time to look up at the dump.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Smile! You're On Candid Camera!!       #wpc2015

When the operator saw me taking this (from 150-200 yds away) he stopped, turned the crane so I couldn't see him and waited until I left.

When the operator saw me taking this (from 150-200 yds away) he stopped, turned the crane so I couldn't see him and waited until I left. 
Weekly Photo Project 2015 curated by Alen Ianni , Bernhard Rembold , Cliff Loresco , Francesco Scaglioni , Heather D ,  Ken Fowkes ,  Navin Upendran  , Robyn King and T.E. Smith

Monday, September 14, 2015


My apologies to whoever posted this. I can't remember who it was but it's a good short take on the subject. You go, Miss P. Don't look back. That slimy little green POS isn't worth it...

Thursday, September 10, 2015