Thursday, August 20, 2015

Some stairs just take your breath away ;+)

Some stairs just take your breath away  ;+)
Stairs Thursday  #stairsthursday  Liz MC


  1. Hey Oscar, sup ?
    36.087820, -85.812993 
    Edgar Ivins St Pk in Tennessee on Center Hill Lake. You can see a different view from the satellite image at

  2. That is lovely. But I think Susan Benedett would rather have her gazebo on the ground lol.

  3. Cool. Thanks for the link ted kelly​.

  4. Unless you stop on each level and catch it ted kelly​! That's quite a view from the top is say... Thanks for contributing to Stairs Thursday​!

  5. Thank you Liz MC  . I don't know how you manage to keep up with all of this. My hat is tipped and thanks for opening my eyes up to this delightful genre. IRL - peeps have even begun to text or call to tip me off to stairs I just "have to" go shoot. You da bomb !

  6. That is too kind ted kelly​! You do the same with sketch art! But it takes me a week usually to spread out the posts, maybe more? Makes it more manageable for me, and hopefully viewers. That's awesome about the tips too! Keep em coming....
