Saturday, August 29, 2015

I stopped and talked to this guy the other day. He was on his way to NYC from California, by foot. He has quite a story and a simple message. Go out and do stuff. I don't know what you're doing today but I'm going spelunking and boating. At the same time I might add, and with some "scavenger hunting" thrown in for good measure.

I stopped and talked to this guy the other day. He was on his way to NYC from California, by foot. He has quite a story and a simple message. Go out and do stuff. I don't know what you're doing today but I'm going spelunking and boating. At the same time I might add, and with some "scavenger hunting" thrown in for good measure. 
Here's a link to his website. You can get to his FB page from there and see his updates and occasional live feeds.


  1. Cool stuff; the photo and this dude :))

  2. Hey Ryan Ray, you need to add a G+ button on your website.

  3. double bonus.  It could also be #powerlinefriday

  4. IKR ! You would have thought I'd have seen that...
