Sunday, August 9, 2015

For day 2 of the #fivedaynaturechallenge that Jamie Rich invited me to, I chose a picture that reminds me of three of my favorite community moderators. One seems very focused, and intense while another likes to keep an eye on things and the third on seems all cute and fluffy...

For day 2 of the #fivedaynaturechallenge  that Jamie Rich invited me to, I chose a picture that reminds me of three of my favorite community moderators. One seems very focused, and intense while another likes to keep an eye on things and the third on seems all cute and fluffy...
Now I'm going to randomly plus a letter or two and see who gets the luck of the draw.
Erwin Kennedy you're the grand prize winner today ! Would you care to take the challenge ? Just share five pix, something natural as the subject, tag me and some other lucky duck to claim your prize.


  1. Yeah I probably have 5 nature pics from our trip to Eureka last week I can share ted kelly​.

  2. Cool beans - the hardest part for me is picking out somebody else who isn't already mad at you super busy or something.

  3. ted kelly Yes I know, same here, the last one I did I just left it open and got no takers. :)
