Wednesday, July 2, 2014




  1. I feel very conflicted...the humor in me wants to make a wise-acre statement, such as "the Proud Whopper points out that we're all the same inside...but you  consume it by shoving it up your ass", or "they tell you it's the same, but watch out for the secret sauce".

    But those would be BAD. I shouldn't say those things.  But they'd be funny, if I DID say them.

    Hey, I'm queer, I can say them if I want.  You don't get to use those words.

  2. They're still the POS company that wouldn't pay a penny per pound more for tomatoes so that the people who pick them could get their first raise in 40 years. Oh, and their "food" will kill you.

  3. Bah. Eating anything will kill you. Breathing will kill you. Sunlight will kill you while it's filling you with life-giving Vitamin D. Steak will kill you, soy will kill you, bread will kill you, cheese will kill you.

    Face it, life is a terminal condition. No one ever gets out of it alive.

  4. Gwen Patton - would this make it a "flaming" whopper ?
    The Bitchy Pundit I agree on both counts. Kill the messenger if you must, the message is still a good one.

  5. ted kelly Oh, that wasn't directed at you. I just don't want anyone to think this is a decent company because they occasionally do a decent thing (provided it doesn't effect profits in any way).

  6. No problemo - I appreciate  all kinds of comments, It keeps things interesting and once in a rare while I actually gain some appreciation for new or different views.

  7. Double Bah with cheese.

    I hope they make absolutely obscene profits, if only to piss off the twatwaffles that think profit is evil.

    ted kelly It isn't a flaming whopper unless the undereducated troglodyte at the grill forgets to turn the damned steel-chain treadmill inside it on, thus carbonizing the meat.

  8. They might be more highly educated than we suspect.
    I was using the term flaming in a different context...
