Monday, July 7, 2014

UPDATE on the Doggie/Kitty Rescue thing

UPDATE on the Doggie/Kitty Rescue thing
Last week the "powers that be" decided to ban E-cigs from the transport van. I was devastated and sent them this letter. I just got word that they've reversed their decision. Yays!
Could it be possible that polite informed discussion might actually be persuasive ? Heck, I might just try it on the internet next...
I got your reply this morning and I respect your determination on the subject. If you should ever decide to reconsider the matter then I'd be eager to continue to offer my services.

I'd like to point out something that I think you might not have considered. I mean no disrespect and if you had considered this please accept my apologies. It's just that this fact is often not commonly known to most folks.

What comes out of e-cigs is water vapor and a chemical called PG (polypropolyne glycol) I probably misspelled that but if you look on the label of all the air fresheners and aerosol disinfectants you can find it there.

That's the thing - right there in a nut shell. The same stuff we use to cover the stink up in the van is what's in the e-ciggy. The PG is commonly used as a disinfectant because hospitals needed a sanitizer in the  operating rooms. 

So again. I respect your wishes but I'll have to take a pass on future runs. I am doing it for purely selfish reasons and feel a little bad about that but the health benefits I get from the water vapor and added benefit of a breathable disinfectant are important to me.

In all honesty, I can't say for sure that  my nicotine addiction doesn't have some influence too on my decision. I do however make an effort to keep that separate though.

Keep up the good work. Sorry to disappoint  the group and especially you. You are an inspiration, a truly great person and it's been a honor to have been able to help.
Vapers - you might want to give this a try when you bump up against the "powers that be".  It worked for me !

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