Tuesday, July 8, 2014



Originally shared by Rusty Ferguson

Where is the Love?
It is out there, where is the need?  

Do you know of someone in the Philippines that is having a hard time of it? Perhaps from the typhoon? Or maybe that should be able to work and just unable get it?

Many have left but many are still here. Here in the Philippines, many get a nursing degree and then cannot get work.  Some end up joining a program in Canada where they hope to gain employment that can help them help themselves and their family. Years ago I read of a dentist that joined that program to work as a bagboy in Canada. I know of an accountant that end up washing dishes there. I know of a nursing graduate working as a maid. 

These are the kinds of things Filipinos do to try to help their family. This is just three random examples that I know of. There are many more stories that people there know but the rest of us don’t know.
Do you know a Filipino in need of help that went the extra mile to improve their place in life but as life tends to do, kicks them in the head and does its best to destroy their hope? I know of one such family. I’ve posted their pictures and managed to help raise $50 to pay their rent for the last two months. 

I’ll tell you what I know about their story. The husband is a nurse that was working in a hospital but lost that job when Typhoon Yolanda blew the hospital away. The wife worked in a hotel, she has a degree in Hotel Management. They have two children, the last being born while they were living in a Cebu City shelter. 
They were relocated to tent city and then that was closed down. They found a home for $25 a month in which they can live and moved in mostly on faith that somehow they could pay for it. 
These people are good people, through no fault of their own find themselves in a very dire situation.

Do you know of stories like this?  Can you leave a comment and tell me about them?  Let me know if there is a way for me to reach them too. I might contact you for that information.  Someone may be watching that can help. I can’t promise you anything. All I can do is hope and dream, share that dream and stand back to see what happens. 

What I can tell you is that sometimes some amazing things do happen. You may never know about it. That doesn't mean nothing is happening. In fact, sometimes I know it is happening.  I've seen this work. 

It won’t hurt to try. It won’t hurt to make a ripple of love it might even help someone see where the love is.

Check out The Blacked Peas song, Where is the Love here:
The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?

Picture Credit:



  1. Jena Fabre this guy lives and travels extensively in the region. I've followed him for a long time and he's seems to be genuine. He occasionally does good deeds and asks for help. I don't mind sharing the msg in the hope that someone will be in a position to also help.

  2. ted kelly
    i still don't understand, please clarify more so i know whats up

  3. He loves the PI and wants to help the people there and those from there where ever he can. He posts things like this to get other people interested. Sometimes people will connect up and people will get jobs or living accommodations. Sometimes they'll contribute money or time. Sometimes they'll just re-share the info and others will see it and join in.

  4. He posts lots of really cool pictures too... :+)
