From my "ABOUT" section - FYI I have made some room for new circle backs btw...
I came to the Plus-side to get away from the endless drama on Facebook. I enjoy a good joke and a spirited discussion. I believe in God and have many GOOD friends who do not. I don't tolerate abuse of people or animals. I do not report or flag unless I believe it will prevent actual harm. I Occupied Palm Beach and am liberal and always stop to carry turtles across busy roads...
Ok, liberal might be stretch but its close enough...
I've recently reached my limit of being able to circle everybody back. If you are new to the plus or just newly following me you're probably going to have to get my attention. Please do participate with plus1s and comments and I don't mind an occasional tag. Thank you.
I've been thinking about writing something similar about circling back. It's a good About section ted kelly