Sunday, October 2, 2011

I have joined a small group of circlers who wish to improve communications and understanding between people of different faiths. We are specifically NOT trying to affect any conversions. We simply want to understand each other better and expand our horizons and connections.

I have joined a small group of circlers who wish to improve communications and understanding between people of different faiths. We are specifically NOT trying to affect any conversions. We simply want to understand each other better and expand our horizons and connections.

Our various circles include Christians, Pagans, Atheists, Buddhist and Muslims. All and any are welcome to join as teachers or students and active participation is encouraged, but not required.

We are very under represented in the areas of Islam and Atheism. Please join us, especially as a leader in either of these circles. Respond here or contact Ila East for details.

Thank you for your interest. (well you read the whole thing didn't you ?)


  1. yes i read the status.. and may your god go with you .. or your ps3, ds, or playstation ;oP

  2. I'm very interested, but don't think I'm qualified as a leader.

  3. I'm not sure that I'll be active in all or even most of the discussions...but I am agnostic (which is different from atheism...I've had to explain this to a few people)...and when I'm in the right mood, I'll gladly discuss my views, or rather my lack of views (it's essentially religious indifference)

  4. We haven't got too far along yet, at least in the atheism circle. It seems obvious though that there isn't much point in getting emotional about the subject itself. It should be and really must be possible to keep our discussions rational rather than rationalized.
    Give a shout-out to Ila East if you want in, or more info.

  5. That's exactly the problem - Emotions ---- If people could use emotions to OPEN MINDED ALWAYS rather than quick "slap in the face" because of "traditions" (which religion really is as is almost everything by the way --- Open people would realize "the details matter not -- It is the big picture and common causes/results that are important! ---- The Devil Is In The Detail!!! Good is good - Bad is Bad no matter what clothes one puts on it!

  6. Ted- you might appreciate some of my "stuff" on my site that I mentioned before -- ----
