Sunday, October 16, 2011

One hundred percent.

One hundred percent.

We need to stop screaming at the 1% and start talking to them. Just like blacks & whites and men & women and us & them - WE are ALL in this TOGETHER.

So 99%ers - listen up. We have to start somewhere. Try this. STOP yelling at the cops. They ARE the 99% too. Civil Disobedience starts with “Civil” - Got it?

1%ers - You have work to do. DO IT! Having a bunch of money that is earning almost nothing is not helping you any. The “REAL” rich people in this country got that way by building railroads and phone companies and investing in things that were worth something. We understand that you are going to make more and more and more money and exploit us in the process. We may not like it but we are willing to negotiate. We may or may not be able to make change without your support, time will tell. Change is coming though. You should do your part and help move things in a direction that helps us all. If we do it without you, it’s not likely that we are going to be looking out for your interests as much as you would like.

So EVERYBODY now -- pick this “ball” up and run with it. Comment, share and think about it. Re-write it and add to it. Change it if you must, just do something. We must all do our part to make things better. Thanks for reading this. We are the 100% !


  1. Amen to that. I'm a little sick of seeing people criticizing the OWS movement for being against all rich people... Lots of millionaires WANT higher taxes for themselves, to help out their country! We are all in this together.
