Saturday, October 22, 2011

I think we're getting a little carried away with flagging/reporting people. I've seen probably twenty profiles deleted this week. A dozen or more were irritating and I had moved them to my "special" circle and another half dozen were perhaps pushing the limits of button pushing and "sort of" asked for it. The rest simply stood up for freedom of expression. They hadn't as near as I could tell even posted anything offensive. They simply commented on others rights and pissed off some popular people with active and extensive followers.

I think we're getting a little carried away with flagging/reporting people. I've seen probably twenty profiles deleted this week. A dozen or more were irritating and I had moved them to my "special" circle and another half dozen were perhaps pushing the limits of button pushing and "sort of" asked for it. The rest simply stood up for freedom of expression. They hadn't as near as I could tell even posted anything offensive. They simply commented on others rights and pissed off some popular people with active and extensive followers.

I'm thinking of three people in particular here. One uses good judgement in "calling out" bad behavior. This person also happens to draw every kook on G+ like a spam magnet. The other two however have posted their objections regarding fellow plussers behavior and many other people follow their lead without question. I don't know how Google goes about making decisions regarding deleting profiles but I'd bet that a couple of dozen reports carries more weight and probably should too.

I'd like to ask everyone to exercise restraint in reporting people. I have done it myself, though it probably wasn't a person but a spam-bot. I doubt that it would do much good though. I don't take kindly to people trying to get me to change how I think or act and don't expect others to be any different. I would also ask people to think before you report. Look at the profile in question. Are they doing anything wrong or are they just pissing you off with a difference of opinion or attitude. That too is probably just windmill tilting for the same reason.

I will call for some conversation on the subject. Are we getting a little quick on the trigger ? Should our first response be reporting ? I have my opinions, what about yours... (Oh, let's leave names out of this discussion - please ?)


  1. We're all adults here. I think unless it regards hate speech or child porn or something illegal, a person should just mute and/or block and then move on. Quite frankly, they should get rid of the "report" button and come up with another way to deal with those issues.

  2. People need to grow up. If you don't like something..there's an uncircle button. or just plain block and it's like they don't even exist.


  3. Yes, I particularly like the block button. The only person I reported was posting child pornography and that loser just had to go.

  4. I only report spammers. I've never blocked anyone. If I don't like what someone posts, I simply uncircle them. Further action than that has never been required. The people in your circles are in your control.

  5. I'm kind of astonished about the child porn thing.

    Laura Topliffe I hope you took it one step further and reported it to your local police.

    That's pretty serious.

  6. Isaac Brake Indeed! I would absolutely do that if I saw something like that.

  7. Well, it appears that a bunch of us saw it and reported it at the same time that Google took swift enough action to take him down before I got that far.

  8. I doubt that anybody reports anything that's below their tolerance.

  9. Marcus Smith They just have very low tolerance levels. Low tolerance for 'nyms, low tolerance for opinions, etc.

    For example, I have low tolerance for people that use "ignorant" incorrectly. Ignorance means lack of knowledge. Such lack can be cured by providing the proper knowledge. If it can't, then they are "stupid" and can't learn. Racists, for example, are either stupid or have learned incorrectly, but to call them ignorant just gives them too much credit. ;)

    Also, why is prejudice against gays any less heinous than prejudice against any other "group"

    I just can't disagree with #3.

    Disclaimer: I have yet to see anything that exceeds my tolerance, although kiddie porn would do it. If it just irritates me I block and rock on.

  10. If someone is pissing you off uncircle him/her/it. Period.

  11. Marcus Smith > I feel the same way if a straight friend online sent me pictures of him and his wife doing things that are none of my business

    well in fact they don't send them to you but to circles ;)
    I guess we shouldn't circle anyone without have read their profile a little. I know this is not possible so at least you should have 2 levels of circles.
    Google+ makes private and online life blend which is in my opinion a very bad thing.
    When we are online we often say jokes or post fun (but not politically correct) pictures that may be at their place on a net community but that may shock some people we know.
    I guess, online and offline do really need to be separated and google+ doesn't help since it is not easy to have 2 accounts as it is with twitter.
