Saturday, October 1, 2011
Now that I have your attention=
Click on the link above to see live coverage - down in the crowd as a mass-arrest happens - it's history peeps - pay attention

Oh, and happy booberday

Originally shared by ted kelly

I just saw a post about topless protester pictures being removed. I had to look pretty hard to find the pictures and now I can't find the post. Let's see if google feels the need to censor this one though....


  1. Apparently some circlers do not approve.
    I hope it's because they don't favor the attention getting tactics rather than that they do favor the tactics of the wall-street "powers that be"

    All Day - All Week Occupy Wall Streel & Viva la Revolucion !

  2. This girl will bring MORE To Demonstrate --- GOOD --- Should be about 150,000,000 Americans demonstrating.
