Here is an old blog that I wasn't using for anything and stashed some good links to tips and such. The cheat sheet is a couple of links back. (don't worry, you'll see it)
The one below is probably much better. Feel free to msg me directly if I can be of help.
Originally shared by Steven Kennard
If you can't find out how this new "Google Plus" works
I have noticed recently a number of newer members of Google+ who seem to be a bit frustrated with their experience here. Perhaps they have come from Twitter and/or Facebook. They know they want to do something that they did on those platforms, but they can't figure out how to do it. So some are seeming to get rather irritable in their comments.
They are even assuming that Google+ is a failure as it seems it can't do all that they want and are making statements (here and on FB or Twitter) that criticize G+. They are frustrated - that is understandable. But there is no need to be negative as Google+ can do all that you are used to on those networks and more (no, there is no timeline, though). It offers privacy if you want it and many levels of customization that make it very much the way you want it and are comfortable with it. It's simply a question of finding out how to do it here.
The great thing is that this community is full of people who are happy to help you to find your way around here. There is even a specially formed group "New to Google Plus Help" curated by Ardith Goodwin. All of the members are willing to help new ones get started and to answer questions. You find their list here:
Here is their mandate:
"New To Google Plus - Let Us Help
This is an UNOFFICIAL, user created group of Google+ enthusiasts who want to help new members who join Google+ have a successful experience from day one. We are all active users, love to engage in conversation, and are open to answering questions about Google+ or helping you find the answers. We are not employees of Google, just volunteers who want to see Google+ grow. Please don't feel you have to add everyone in this group unless you choose to. Even adding a couple of members will connect you with folks that can share user tips and strategies."
Add some or all of these to a circle (call it G+ helpers or whatever you want) and then ask the question of these.
I hope this helps some who are feeling frustrated and even a little negative at this early point. Google+ will do everything you want. It's just like any new program. It takes a bit of time to get familiar with it.
I hope this helps1
THANKS TED!!!!! I will look and hopefully learn -smile - not too bright sometimes --grin ---