A G+ tip : If someone posts something you find offensive and you are going to block them, resist the urge to comment first. Once you comment and then block - all the other peoples comments will send you notifications.
Yes, I know. I'll unblock long enough to mute it....
Ooooo. Guerrilla trolling. Flame and block. I like. No, not blocking you. ;)
ReplyDeletehehehe- nooo.. I just said "bye" that's all - I have a knee jerk reaction to kitty abuse. zero tolerance.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
ReplyDeletecant stand animal or child abusers.. they a weak and evil.. you should have reported them
ReplyDeleteThey only reposted a GIF - I'm with you all 100%. When I went back to mute the post I looked again and believe it was faked with pix of a stuffed kitty spliced in. I still blocked him though. That stuff just doesn't cut it, yanno ?
ReplyDeletewasnt it the one with the cat bomb?
ReplyDeleteNo, and I'm not going to ask. It implied a guy kicking a cat towards the camera. It looked faked and you can see the cat afterwards unharmed...