Sunday, November 16, 2014

This raises some interesting questions. I apologize if this sends an unwanted notification to anyone. I shared both publicly and to am old circle of mappy headed people.

This raises some interesting questions. I apologize if this sends an unwanted notification to anyone. I shared both publicly and to am old circle of mappy headed  people.


  1. Well, even the theory of plate tectonics states that Antarctica was further north before resting at its current location. The biggest question, as the author shares, who was around with the technology and knowledge to navigate the seas and map them? The Egyptians built huge structures, so did the druids. The vikings discovered the Americas before Columbus. It could be some lost group from western Africa. Was it the people from Atlantis?

  2. My guess is that people back then were smarter than people today realize. Or at least had more knowledge than we accept. We think we're so darned smart, don't you know...
    I'm keeping this short because I'm on a phone so fill in a bunch of snarky ideas about contemporary society and science and stuff at will. Add an lol or "just saying " at the end and you'll get my drift.

  3. This being in big part about a sea map, I definitely catch your drift. I do agree that people used to be smarter than people today realize.

  4. i was amazed when i saw very old maps in Spain in antique shops.  they knew all about earth
