Saturday, November 29, 2014

I prepared for this #sketchgurusaturday with a Silver Bullet.

I prepared for this #sketchgurusaturday  with a Silver Bullet.
Congrats once more to Oscar Lovett (aka baby daddy ?)
h/t to Christina Lihani (aka Covergirl)  and paula contreras aka (Mistress of the Light)


  1. This is really cool and creative ted kelly (and thanks for the intro)! I like the perspective and how you just got close in to take this photo.

  2. Thanks Christina Lihani and I'm just wowed by the car pictures. Great work.

  3. Thank you so kindly ted kelly. I'm not a car person myself but my husband is -- but he doesn't take photos with the "good" camera. It took both of us to accomplish the shots!

  4. I'll cheer to this! Awesome ted kelly​
